Chapter 1

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“We've got to hurry!” I whisper yelled to my two friends across the lawn as we sprinted around our principle's house. We punctured his lawn with plastic utensils, covered the trees in toilet paper, spray painted red hearts all over the side of his house.

My whole freshman year my principle constantly bragged about my 'talents' not bad right? Except when you preferred to stay invisible instead of being elected for cheer captain because I had done gymnastics and was on a competition team. The thing was, I never signed up. From that moment on freshman year the whole team hated me and I was the target of all pranks and torture. But no matter how much I begged he wouldn't stop signing me up for things I did NOT want to do. This was payback time.

As we started throwing eggs spotlights hit us and a megaphone announced, “Put your hands up, you're under arrest.” I turned around and dropped my eggs and then looked around for my friends but Megan had already sprinted away and it appeared as if she was never here.

Hand cuffs where put onto my wrists and I was shoved into the back of a police car where we where driven to the police station. To be honest it was kinda cool because I felt like such a bad ass and I could see everyone looking as we drove by.

We where taken into the station and put into a room where they asked us questions. “Names.” The lady asked, trying to act very nice but seriously we vandalized a house! “Lincoln Masters” I answered looking to my friend. “Parker Ross” He replied.

Me and Parker had been best friends since the third grade when he accidentally ate my lunch because we had the same bags. He kindly offered me his though his contained peanut butter which I'm allergic to. My condition for not being mad? He had to be my best friend. Forever.

“In here.” I was ordered as I was taken into a cell across from Parker. “You'll stay here tonight, go home tomorrow afternoon and then you'll be ordered a court date.” Was what we where told so we had to stay in these extremely scary cells like the kind in movies.

The lights where shut off and everything was basically dark but you could still see around so...not completely dark.

“Parker.” I whispered and sat in front of the bars with my legs crossed.

“Hmm?” I heard mumbled from the bed and I saw him look over.

“Its scary...” I told him as I looked around, putting my head against the ice cold bars that kept me trapped inside this hell hole.

“Go to sleep, Link.” He told me and then collapsed on his bed as I went into the top bunk, away from any ground bugs.

I woke up the next morning as a bright light shined on my face, causing my dreams to shatter. My eyes opened, only to close again as the light hit them I slowly opened them to see it came from a window. I heard keys jingling outside and looked down, seeing a guard slide open my door. “Miss. Masters?” He asked, trying to be respectful. Respectful would be when you pull out a chair for your date to sit down at, not when you're trying to get a convict up.

“I'm up.” I said as I jumped down from my bunk, startling him.

“You and Mr. Ross have been bailed out.” He said, nodding to the empty cell where he had once been. I walked out to where my dad was, hugging him tightly. I looked over to see Parker with his entire family.

It was just me and my dad for the moment because my sister, Trina went to live with my mom in Idaho since our parents where divorced.

“Kid, watch out or I'll have to send you to live with your mother.” He warned but we both knew he wouldn't. He needed me like I needed him.

“I'll be back dad.” I said before I ran over to Parker, hugging him.

“Park, I'm so sorry I never meant for anything-” I was cut off by him putting a hand over my mouth and dragging me outside.

“Sorry I just didn't want to talk infront of my parents.” He said and I nodded.

“Listen Parker, I'm so sorry when I planned this I never ever planned for us to get in trouble and I just wanted to say I'll take the-”

“Lincoln, shut up. I agreed to this its not your fault!” He said, looking down at me.

“Yes it is it was my idea to do everything so I'm taking the entire blame and theres nothing you can-” I was cut off by him pressing his lips against mine. He pulled away and looked at me.

“Now will you shut up?” He asked looking at my red cheeks and ever present smile on my face.

“I-uh...yeah....” I said, not able to form an actual sentence.

“I'll see you later Lincoln.” He said as he ran over to his family's car and got in, leaving me standing on the sidewalk.

One thing ran through my head. What the hell just happened?

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