After watching the boys every night for their six shows at the O2 arena, I headed back to LA. Lacey was moved into the house and I still had a ton of unpacking to do. I also had arranged to do some collaborations for my YouTube channel, so I had to be back for those.
The day started out with traveling to Colleen Ballinger's house, where I'd be doing a video with her as well as her in character as Miranda Sings. I filmed with Colleen first and we did a video for each of our channels.
When it came time to film with her in character, I didn't know what to expect. For the video on my channel, I taught her some of the choreography from tour. For her channel, she wanted to do singing lessons with me. It ended up being absolutely hilarious and I even sang a snippet of my next single (to which she said "well, you heard it here first. Ava's album is going to be awful because that was horrible!" (Colleen ranted about how amazing it was once we stopped the camera). I ended up wearing one of Miranda's many sweaters because my dress was "too porn" and she told me to tell Harry that they were no longer baes because he's been cheating on her with me.
After filming with Colleen, I headed to the office that belonged to Grace Helbig, Mamrie Hart, and Hannah Hart. I was filming with all of them and the plans is to do a podcast with Grace if there's time.
I started with Mamrie, doing a non-alcoholic drink for her segment YDAD. We played Heads Up for my channel, and then it was on to Harto.
Hannah and I filmed the Say Anything challenge for my channel, which ended up being absolutely ridiculous. Then again, the entire concept of taping up your face is ridiculous. We then filmed us making Lemonade cupcakes, which ended up being surprisingly delicious. I wasn't really sure what to expect.
Grace and I started filming immediately after I finished with Hannah. We didn't end up having time to do a podcast, but I gave my mom Grace's number so she can set something up. I love Grace and I think it'd be really cool to be in one of her podcasts. For her channel, we did a really dumb DIY we found on Pinterest where we made paintings. It didn't really work but it was fun. On my channel, we did each other's makeup with extremely bright and horrible colours. The final product was hysterical.
My next stop was with Gabbie Hanna, and then I did a collab with Liza Koshy. My final destination was Tyler Oakley's apartment.
Each video I filmed throughout the day would be put into YouTube at different times over the span of about four months. I will be editing non-stop so I can get everything done before I hit the road myself.
Tyler welcomed me by immediately feeding me and sitting down for a short little gossip session. We filmed videos and then ended up discussing going out for lunch sometime. I had to head to the studio for the night so I eventually bid goodbye, but it was a fun time.
Not a lot was planned for today's studio session, so when Harry called within the span of me being there for like five minutes, there was no problem when I stepped out of the room. I decline the call and FaceTime him instead and he answers right away.
"Hey you," I smile as I sit down in the hall.
"Hi babe," he mumbles, matching my smile. "Miss you."
"I miss you too. How is everything?"
"Pretty chilled out, actually. Today has been fairly calm."
"Not exactly the case for me," I sigh. "I'm at the studio now but I filmed like 15 million videos today."
"Did you have fun though?"
"Yeah, I did. I was actually talking to Grace about how we should all go out to dinner sometime, us and Grace and Chester."
"Yeah, that'd be fun. How's the studio going?"
"Oh ya know... it's going. It's a process, but we're getting there. I actually just finished writing something this morning before I got to filming."
"And when do I get to hear this something?"
"I dunno. S'about you, though."
"Well does it at least have a name?"
"It does, but I'm not gonna tell you," I smile.
"I didn't sign up for this," he mumbles. "This is some Taylor Swift shit happening. Not fair."
"Oh shut up," I laugh. "It's not like I'm writing anything bad about you. You dork."
He pauses, letting out a small sigh. "Well if it's about our sex life then you better be writing all good things."
"Oi! Shut the hell up, mate! Nobody wants to hear that shit!" Liam yells in the background. Harry and I both end up in so much laughter that Liam comes over to smack him. I watch them bicker back and forth until finally it gets quiet again.
"Sorry, babe."
"It's fine," I laugh. "I told you, I'm used to it at this point."
"You love us though."
"Between us, mainly you. Don't tell, though. They won't react well to news like that."
"They'll never know."
I laugh lightly and lean my head against the wall behind me. "Anyway... I did write some more upbeat songs the other day and I'm super excited to record them. I have a feeling that I'm probably going to go way over what I need song wise, but I guess I'll be halfway there for album three."
"Or they'll be like some of our songs and just completely disappear."
"There's a few that might, I can say that now without even recording them."
There's yelling in the background, which sounds like its coming from one of their tour managers. Harry mumbles something under his breath and then lets out a deep sigh. "I gotta go. I love you and I miss you. Try and FaceTime me again when you can, yeah?"
"I love you and I miss you, too. And I will. Have a good show, H."
He bids goodbye once more and hangs up, leaving me to go back into the recording booth. I toss my phone into my bag and the producer ushers me into the booth with a stack of music.
Time to record very possibly my next single.

The Opening Act (H.S) {Completed - Editing}
FanfictionThe story of how Ava Mae joined One Direction for the On the Road Again Tour... and then became so much more than an opening act. disclaimer: wrote this when I was 16, it has some cringe moments. also, at the beginning of the story Ava is a minor b...