The Truth About The Sky (KHR)

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[A/N: Yeah, I know. i shouldn't be out here doing another story but!. I ran out of Ideas in my current story and this plot didn't leave my friggin' head. Must be because I've read to much stories? IDK.T___T. Anyways please enjoy!]

Disclaimer: I do not own KHR. I only own the plot and my OC.

Note: Strictly speaking, This idea was shared by me and RunnaHayato. Sawada Akiko was her idea and some of this is made by her~


The Truth About The Sky

This story follows the popular cliché of Tsuna who has a twin brother and is meant to become the Vongola Decimo, not Tsuna. His name is Sawada Akiko.

Summary: Tsuna’s  life isn’t actually a good one. Always being bullied by his younger twin brother, being called ‘Dame-Tsuna’ because of his clumsiness and poor knowledge, and is no good at making friends. But what people didn’t know is his hidden potential, which is his strength; despite his looks is by far powerful than his twin brother despite his weak-looking, frail petite looking and his Hyper Intuition awakened at a young age.

But what if one day, an infant comes and announces that his younger brother, Sawada Akiko is to be the 10th Generation Vongola Boss? What will become of the decisions Vongola Nono and Sawada Iemitsu made? Will Tsuna show his potential as the rightful boss?


[Tsuna’s P.O.V]

Hahahaha! Dame-Tsuna tripped!’ a boy jeered. A brown-haired boy tried to stand up, but was kicked on the gut and the sides by the bullies watching him. ‘You should have been never born! You’re just a pathetic human!’ The leader of the group punched the brunette’s face, leaving a bruise.

Hey! Stop bullying Tsuna-nii!’ A brown-haired, caramel-eyed boy who looks exactly Tsuna beat up the boys wo were bullying his Older Twin Brother.

Tsuna-nii, are you okay?’ the younger twin asked, stretching his arm for Tsuna.

‘Uh-huh. Arigato, Akiko’ Tsuna said, grabbing hold the outstretched arm before him.

As they stood up, they walked hand-in-hand and smiling at each other. They looked happy, until then..

“Tsu-kun, Aki-kun, wake up. It’s morning, you’re gonna be late for school,” A soft, angelic voice woke me up. “Ohayo, kaa-san” I said while yawning and stretching my arms. “ohayo, Tsu-kun” Kaa-san smiled at me.

I can’t feel Akiko moving a muscle. I stared at our wooden floor, thinking about the dream I had.

I walked into the bathroom and turned the sink faucet on and washed my face. ‘There’s no way Akiko would care for me like that. He’s even the first one to bully me in school with his group..I just wish he’d change,’ I thought, but shrugs it off and I peeled my clothes and took a bath.

After taking  a bath, I dried myself up and I wore my Uniform and headed downstairs. The first thing I noticed was Akiko being lazy and wanted help from our mother to tie his tie. He should have learned it by now...

I am now sitting in front of Akiko. I saw him send a glare to me. I shrugged it off and proceeded to eat my breakfast which is eggs and bacon with a hotdog. Simple, yet delicious.

After eating I glanced at the clock and saw it was already 8:35am. I hurried into the sink and brushed my teeth. I quickly put on my socks and shoes and bade  my mom goodbye. The reason I left AKiko behind was because I need to go early and I have 15 miutes left.

A while later, I finally arrived at the school gate and saw I still had 5 minutes left. 

Thank god, Hibari-san won't 'bite' me to death this time. I mentally jumped in joy. Like I was some kind of freak.

[No One's P.O.V]

(Class 1A)

"Ahahahaha,Dame-Tsuna actually made it on time" someone teased. "First Time!"

And laughter filled the whole room. Except for a caramel-haired girl and a brown-haired girl. The brunette's hair is a darker brown than that of Tsuna's and Akiko's. She had curly hair. And for someone who didn't join the laughter is the one and only, Yamamoto Takeshi, which is very unusual for him to drop his cheerful aura.

Somehow,those three felt pity for the boy.


"Oh, what's this? The Loser-Tsuna is staring off in space." another brute cooed. Honestly,can a day pass by normally without any bullies and brutes beat up the poor Tsuna? No way, since Akiko is always there...


'Sawada Tsunayoshi,why are hiding your potential? I can see very well that that isn't the best you could do. Your flames had been sealed, but it is time to awaken it.' A voice echoed in the head of the elder Twin. 

'Who are you?, What do you mean by hidden potential?, What do you mean by flames that had been sealed?, Why should I awaken it?' Tsuna asked.

'You're hidden potential is that of a hitman. You were born to become the Vongola Decimo. I am your ancestor. Your flames had been sealed by the Vongola Nono when you and your twin were younger. By awakening it can you protect those who you love and care.'

'H-Hitman!?, Vongola Decimo!?, My ancestor? Ho-Hold it!. okay,but why are you betting on me? Everybody knows Akiko is better than me. He might be lazy but he's smart. And As my ancestor,I'm sorry about my rude behavior,but may I ask your name?" Tsuna asked.

'I am Vongola Primo,Giotto. But my real name is Ieyasu. Ieyasu Sawada,' the voice-who was Giotto-said.


Somewhere in Italy,at the Vongola Headquarters,Vongola Nono and an infant wearing a suit and a black fedora was talking along with a blonde haired man,dressed up as an engineer.

"Reborn, Iemitsu, I might have grown weak and a new successor is needed. I highly suggest of Iemitsu's sons. One of them has the potential to become the Vongola Decimo." Timoteo stated.

"Then if that's the case, I suggest Akiko." Iemitsu suggested.

"What about,Tsunayoshi-kun?" Timoteo asked while Reborn looked down,his fedora covering his face while he listened to them in silence.

"Aww.. Tsuna's too cute and innocent to become The vongola decimo" Iemitsu said while remembering Tsuna's cute face when he was younger.

"Very well, I have picked Sawada Akiko to become the Vongola Decimo." Timoteo calmly stated and gave Reborn a glance.

"Reborn, may I ask you a favor?" Timoteo asked. Reborn raised his head and looked at Timoteo's face. "I ask you to go and raise Sawada Akiko to become a perfect Boss material for the Vongola"he announced.

"Oh, and Reborn,remember not to involve Tsuna in the mafia" Iemitsu said


'I am the Vongola Primo,Giotto. My real name is Ieyasu Sawada'Giotto firmly said.

'Vo-vongola? What is that? A clam?' Tsuna stuttered. (in his thoughts)

'It is a mafia organisation made by me and my bestfriend, G.'  Primo said.

'So you think i should become the Vongola Decimo?' Tsuna asked.

'You are meant to be, and I will now release your hidden potential'

'I see.." Tsuna clenched his hands as orange lights started to engulf his body.


A/N: So what do you think? Is it crappy? Please Review and give me feedbacks!

Next Chapter is on May 5,2012 I mean 2013. I don't have any time machines here.XD



-Hearty Scarlet and Runna Hayato

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