there are seconds that i wish would turn into minutes by your side.
there are minutes where i wish every one of them would be spent with you.
there are hours where i can only live off the picture of you in my head.
there are days that i wish i could just see your smile, just one more time.
there are weeks that seem like forever because you aren't here anymore.
there are months where you are the only thing i wish for on a shooting star.
there are years where i miss you more than i have ever missed anything or anyone.
there is life, where the only thing i have left of you is a faint memory.
and there is death, where seconds can turn into minutes by your side..
and minutes where i dont have to wish..
hours where i can have the real thing, right in front of me..
days where wishes aren't needed, because i got everything i ever wished for..
weeks where we can be gone, together.
months where the stars have fulfilled my only wish.
years where i dont have to miss anything anymore.