Adonis I Think Your Son Is A Bad Boy

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2 weeks ago I was taking a lesson in Greek Mythology not really paying attention, but while my teacher went on and on about the Gods and their descendants I started thinking about what it would be like if Adonis had a son! Of course all of you know that he is the God of beauty and desire so it made me ecstatic to write a story about his son *swoon* *clears throat* that is if he had one! NO this is not a "god based story" or it doesn't have anything to do with them it's just a title remember that people!

@thewriter1010 is absolutely FUNTASTIC and I love how hyper she gets when we talk. Shes just so fun to be around and is super creative. So it was an honor dedicating this to her x x

Anyways I hope it's as enjoyable as the title. Honestly I'm really disappointed with my first story though. I thought the flow was going to be smooth at first but then just like that BAM it became chunkier. I don't think it will be continued but I'll probably reconsider anyways I hope you enjoy this little intro


"People come into your life, and some of those people leave. People change. If they were real while they were in your life remember them that way. Life has a funny way of affecting people. Things happen. Make good memories and always keep moving forward. You're your own director in your own movie. Grant some people main rolls. Let some people play extras. But regardless of who you chose for the credits...Make sure you produce a movie that you're proud of."

I sighed reading Zack Taylor's quote over again for the fifth time. Not only could I relate to his beautifully written quote, but I also disagreed completely with him.

I mean don't get me wrong that guy is absolutely brilliant and everything he said made sense, but I just wasn't expecting anyone to change in my life anytime soon. It's unhealthy to get your hopes up to high you know? Also I wasn't really "my own director" it was more like my family directing "my movie" for me and all I could do was to sit back and enjoy the damage from a far. How the hell was I supposed to direct my movie if they had the video equipment the whole time?

Let me clarify things just in case you suffer from slight "confusion".

My mom died after my fifth birthday from lung cancer, I didn't know that then but somehow when she left I knew she wasn't coming back, and I do remember my Dad telling me that she'd always be with us. Of course that was just the bullshit talking because it was only a year later until he remarried. What's the big deal right? Well I forgot to mention three times to that sentence. Finally after being married a fourth time he finally decided that the last one was the "perfect" replacement. Now it would be totally unfair of me to say that all stepmothers are as nasty as Cinderella's because that's completely untrue.

I actually know a couple of girls whose stepmothers are "out of this world" awesome and are NOTHING compared to that.....but then there was Scarlet. Ok maybe I'm going a little too far, she's O.K. She doesn't make me clean the chimneys, scrub the floors, and do the dishes, nor does she force me to wear over sized cloths to hide my body; yeah shes not like that. Since I'm the closest thing she has to a daughter she tries with every fiber in her body to make me "perfect", and that right there is the torture. She tells me what to eat, what to wear, and who I should and shouldn't talk to so I don't get "corrupted" as she puts it.

Hey I think she should be grateful I don't sleep around, drink (as much as other people), or stay out all night long. I'm 17 for god sakes, and I think I have the right to decide when I can or can't have a happy meal.

My younger brother, Devon, on the other hand is well..he's just as lost as a homeless puppy. I mean he doesn't do drugs or anything like that he's just...lost?

Ok back to topic, um Zachary Taylor's life quote or my overactive step mom? I forgott but I'd also like to save my "life issues" for later.

Back to present time, like school.

I found it quite ironic that I was sitting in Drama class studying about Zack Taylor, but you can't blame that for all the crazy things that go on in my head.

Someone tapped my shoulder.

Please don't be that crazy ass dude that kept on poking me during Bio, I prayed silently before turning around.

I sighed in relief but frowned at the random guy's expressionless face, hating the fact that I probably looked confused, as he handed me a folded piece of paper.

I quickly opened it up skimming it quickly with my eyes to make sure it wasn't some kind of joke note, and instantly smiled when I recognized the handwriting.

"S.O Flipping S Kat. Hot new guy meet me at your locker as soon as you get out"

xox Andy

I was going to ask the guy how he got it since Adriana and I didn't have this class together but he just shook his head ignoring me. Poor guy she probably threatened him, I rolled my eyes and quickly put the paper in my bag. My best friend was too crazy. Andy could easily win a world record for being "most reliable guy radar device on the planet" I mean she could spot a hot guy from a mile away with out him even noticing that he was being preyed on. Guys weren't only scared of her but they stood clear of her. After all she was "the guy predator."

Was it just me or was everybody in class as eager to leave as I was?

Probably just me, I thought grabbing my bag quickly walking out before Mr. Carson could strike up a conversation. He's probably the most kindhearted teacher in the whole school but he was also misunderstood. The guy was friendlier than kidnappers when they offer you free candy (or wifi depends on who you are) I mean he was willing to talk to anybody and everybody. He would ask you if you had any problems with the lesson or in life it'self. He was such a sweetheart.

So why was I leaving a his class little too eagerly acting all bitchy, I questioned myself accusingly opening up my locker.

Andy came up to me with a huge scowl on her face."Omg Kat where were you?"

I smiled and opened my mouth to speak but she cut me off.

"No actually I don't want to hear it. I send Gary to give you an S.O.S message and you take your sweet time getting here? Let me guess you were complaining to Mr. Carson about something. You know what I'm sick....." I covered her mouth shutting her up because saske she was talking too much.

I laughed softly when she moved my hand frowning at me. "Actually I didn't get a chance to tell him how incredibly annoying you've become." I teased.

She sighed running a hand through her messy blondish brown hair.

"Sorry Kat", she mumbled "But you have got to see Beau he's just dreamy" She sighed looking off in the distance with the look of admiration clouding her green eyes.

Dreamy? Since when did hot guys become dreamy to Andy? And his name was Beau? I looked at her obviously confused but she didn't see because she was to busy staring off into space.

"Andy", I started snapping my fingers in her face, but she just ignored me and turned me around so I could see what she was staring at.

Make that who she was staring at.

Oh God!

I always knew Adonis had a son.....I just never thought that I would get to see him the flesh.

Very short I know but hey it's called a "short summary" for a reason.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed my awsomeites

Till next time....

xoxo M.J

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2016 ⏰

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