A/N- Sage in pic above!😁
Sage p.o.v
"Of fucking course! My dumbass self just had to get lost in this big forest." I throw my hands up exasperated. I sigh as I bring my hands down to my side. "Deep breaths Sage, deep breaths." There was no way I was getting out of this forest. I've been walking in circles for hours now and still no luck getting out. At least it was summer so I don't have to worry about getting frostbite or some crap like that. Anyways you guys are probably wondering how I ended up here, lost in this annoying ass forest. It all started when I was arguing with my ex boyfriend Collin on the phone while I was jogging in the forest for some exercise.
*3 hours earlier*
"NO! I REALLY DONT CARE COLLIN I DONT WANT TO HEAR YOUR GOD DAMN EXCUSES FOR CHEATING ON ME!" I screamed into the phone shaking with rage. "B..but Sage just listen, I didn't mean for it to happen he came onto me! You know how it's like being drunk and not having control of your actions . I ju" I couldn't believe what I was hearing I cut him of right there."No I really don't know what it's like nor do I want to know. Goodbye Collin." I pressed the end button. "That piece of crap I can't believe he was trying to make excuses to me, like he's got the wrong one." I slow my jog, pacing back and forth. "UGHHH.. he makes me so angry! The nerve of some people, like how can he expect for me to just take him back! I HATE HIM!!" I throw my phone farther into the woods and I fall to the ground and start crying. *hic* "I hate him... I hate him how could he do that to me..how" i brokenly whisper. The tears slowly stop and I dry my face with my hands, getting back up to stand. "Alright.. that's enough of this. I'm way too strong to let this phase me, I just need to forget him and move on. I sigh and look around "Now where the hell did I throw my phone?" I slowly start to walk to the direction I threw it in.I search the forest floors covered in mud because of last nights rain, yet I can't seem to find it. "I know I couldn't have thrown it that far", I say while scratching my head. "To think I was that pissed to throw like a NFL player" I giggle to myself(so what I'm a 23 year old man and I giggled give me a break I just got cheated on)"well I guess I better keep looking, hopefully I find it before dark. I slowly continue trekking through the forest in search of my phone, when I realized I had no idea where I was and I was DEFINITELY not near the trail I was jogging on. I turn around back and forth groaning "I can't believe this, my day just keeps getting better and better, no boyfriend, no phone, no sense of direction! Honestly I literally give up on life right now ,like screw whoever up in the heavens decided to mess with my life today."
*Back to the present*
And that is how I currently ended up in the predicament I am in now. "Mann I'm freaking starvinggg! Like I've been walking for hours probably in circles and I have not eaten anything but a granola bar for breakfast. God dammit Sage get your shit together you need to get out of this forest and find some damn food!" I slapped my face and with that little motivational pep talk to myself I began to run screaming "HELP SOMEONE HELP ME!!" Now of course while doing this I am completely oblivious to the fact that I was waking something only people have heard of in fables and legends. I didn't realize it while I was running, but all that screaming woke up the beast who dwells deep within the forest. He heard his pray calling, and god help anyone who got in the way of the beast and his prey...A/N - hey guys!! This is my first story I'm just testing out the waters with this first chapter. Let me know what you guys think! GOOD AND HELPFUL COMMENTS APPRECIATED NO BAD COMMENTS WELCOMED! Keep on reading if your interested!

howling beast (bxb)
WerewolfI woke with a start just as a howl ripped through the night sky. the beast had awoken again and he was coming for me and god help anyone who got in his way...