(1) Period Songs, Donuts, and Baseball Bats

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I really thought she was the only one home, honestly. I really did!

I'll start from the beginning of the day so you'll hopefully understand. Please don't judge me. I'm blonde. That's my excuse for my stupidity.


I wake up to the sound of birds chirping, the scrumptious aroma of egg McMuffins, and heavenly sunlight lazily beaming through my open window. My mouth involuntarily intakes a sharp breath and my heart starts racing. Today is the day I move to the luscious lake-side cabin with my best friend, Roxy, for the summer. The thought of being away from my family for a whole summer is scary, but I can't help but smile and chirp out a laugh. We are going to have such a fun time.

You see, we rented the cabin for the summer in order to celebrate our last summer of teen-hood. In the middle of September we will be officially moving into the UMD (University of MN-Duluth) for our first year of college.

Oh gosh. College. I don't want to grow up, go to college, and have responsibilities. I would rather goof around all day with Roxy and put chili powder into her brother's boxers.

But life is cruel.

With that, I get out of bed to find yet another piece of evidence for the cruelty of life. As soon as I got into an upright position, my stomach cramped up. I groan and sit back down, holding my poor stomach. Silently cursing at Eve for screwing up the lives of all womankind, I stand up and quickly scramble to the bathroom. Like seriously! If Eve hadn't eaten that stupid apple at the Garden of Eden, I'm sure life would be way better. We probably wouldn't have periods and we would all have plenty of food and water. So I would just like to give you a nice round of slow, judgemental clapping, Eve.

After I took care of my problem, I look at myself in the mirror and take count of what I need to fix for the day. My hair is super frizzy, per usual. I swear, most of the time my hair makes me look like Einstien on crack.

While I'm putting my long, curly blonde hair into a side braid, my pink iPhone dings.

From: Mom

"Hey sweetie. I hope you're not still mad at me about our argument last night. I really care about you and I just don't want you to grow up. That's all. Have fun at the cabin. Love you xoxo"

Yes, Mom. I'm still mad. Obviously.

My brain freezes in a state of plain sadness, a numbness of sorts. All of my movements become slow and robotic. I put my phone down. Finish my braid. Brush my teeth. Change clothes. Pack for the cabin. Everything is in slow motion.

It makes me sad that my mother and I are always at odds. People say we are so alike, and that is why we argue so much. It makes me even more sad and guilty to admit that I honestly don't want to be like her. Don't get me wrong, she's an AMAZING woman. She volunteers at fundraisers for the homeless and genuinely cares about everyone she meets. But when it comes to me....she can be different.

She loves me, I love her. But she really pisses me off sometimes.

"Candy? Why are you just sitting there?", my little sister, Sara, asks. I jump off of my bed in shock. I didn't even realize she had opened the door! Looking around my room, I probably should've cleaned it last night. My mom doesn't like it when my little siblings come in my dirty room, because she's convinced that they'll think that just because I have clothes strewn around my room that it's acceptable for them to constantly have a pig-sty of a room.

"Oh, good morning, Sara! I was just thinking of how much I'm gonna miss you and Nate this summer." I said, giving her a genuine, sad smile.

"Oh...thanks", she said with a bashful smile. "Dad made egg McMuffins. They're downstairs."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2015 ⏰

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