snow­ love(yunjae)

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Title: Snow Love

Author: Yunshi Himura

Pairings: YunJae, YooSu [minor]

Genre: Drama, Romance

Length: Short Chapter

Disclaimer: I wish I could own Jaejoongie but sadly I only own the plots and story.

Summary: The kingka Yunho and the nerd Jaejoong is surely not a match. They believe it’s a gross thing ever for a nerd to fall in love with their hot and popular kingka. Until a school winter trip unveiled the affection the kingka and nerd had for each other.

Chapter 1


Screaming of horror echoed around the school trough the walls. After that, series of small sobs follow. Making the students and the teachers clueless about what had happen. It’s not that bad, is there?

Well, at least, they hope so.

“Oppa…oh, poor oppa…” the girls cried.

“Oh, man. Yunho surely dead on the first night,” the boys grumble.

The group of last year students pooled around the notice board, examining the new memos that post into it. They will go on a winter trip at the ski resort next couple of week for a week. And the student council just post memos about list of the roommate, list of the things should and shouldn’t be bought, and the list of programme that will hold. Of course, all of them want to show off their ski ability, but they also can’t wait for the highlight night. That is where they can ask the love of their live to be their date. And under the white snow, love will blossoms so romantically.

“What is wrong with them? Am I missing something interesting there?” Yoochun asks a metre away from the notice board.

“Have you read it already?” Changmin asks back without turns his eyes away from the group.

“Of course I had. We go there together just a minute ago,”

“Then, of course you know what make them screaming and crying like that.”

Silence. Yoochun shrugged his shoulders. Changmin sigh.

“Of course you just see your room name and the programme. You wouldn’t care about anything else,” Changmin spat.

“Hey, shouldn’t it be I’m not busy body to stick into other business,” Yoochun backing himself.

“It’s not just about any other, it’s about Yunho,” Changmin says.

Yoochun widen his eyes, turns his head to look at Yunho beside him and back to Changmin. “What’s wrong with Yunho?”

“He’s rooming with that Jaejoong kid,” Changmin whispers for them three to hear.

Yoochun’s eyes turns bigger. “What?”

Chagmin nods. “I bet other students are screaming about that too.”

Yoochun gawk. He turns to look at Yunho, who since then just looking at the notice board interestingly.

“It did sound bad,” Yoochun says.

“It’s not that bad at all,” Yunho says before turns around and walk on his heel.

Yoochun and Changmin look at each other and run off following Yunho, leaving behind the group of students still mourning because of the fact.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jun 24, 2011 ⏰

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