Lonely heart

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Hi everybody you are the sweetest of all with your patience. The story is slowly coming to an end and I don't want to rush it, something I seem to be doing because I have loads of work so please tolerate me a bit more. I love you so much for reading and making my day. You are the best. Push that star and come on comment just a bit. Can't hurt!


They say that absence makes the heart grow fonder and that is exactly what happened in my case I guess. I missed Harry terribly. London was absolutely fantastic, exactly as I had expected it to be and the course was extremely interesting to say the least but between studying for the course and handing work for my regular uni lessons I didn't have much time for making friends or going sight-seeing for that matter. I respected the fact that my mom spent a lot of her savings to get me there and I wanted to make the most of it but I can't deny that I felt very lonely as well. I missed Harry very much. I missed his laughter, his teasing and joking around, I even missed it when he would get jealous and act all primitive...yeah that was fun and of course I missed his touch and his kisses. I loved him with all I had and not being with him was torture. Days were very difficult but they would pass eventually but nights were unbearable as I was literally exhausted to do anything but watch movies on the laptop and missing him as every stupid romantic comedy I would watch reminded me of the stupid ass things that Harry would do.

I missed Rose and her loud persona, I missed my mom and I missed ...Leo...not in that way but in a friendly way for sure.

At first Harry would call every day sometimes two or even three times a day joking that he was just like a pill: one after every meal, I laughed at that and we would skype every other day when he wasn't picking little Antony up. He would say how much he missed me and how much he loved me and then the custody procedures started and things changed. He stopped calling every day and after the first week he stopped all together. I didn't want to push him as I knew that call costs to another country weren't exactly cheap and I decided that I would call him instead. Sometimes he answered but sometimes he didn't only to explain that he was at the lawyer's later on.

I prayed every day that he would get Antony eventually but it was very difficult to do so as there was no proof that Nadia was an unfit mother so if he got shared custody that would be great as well.

Time flew by and we would talk less and less and I was bothered by it but didn't want to burden him with my own insecurities. He had enough on his plate as it was and me complaining for being away which was my decision to begin with would only stress him more so I kept quiet. Surfing the net I came across an ad of a certain airline that offered tickets to London dirty cheap for the following twenty minutes and without even discussing it with him I bought him one so that he would come visit at the weekend.

"Harry?" I couldn't hide my excitement when he answered the phone.

"Yeah...What is it? What's going on?" he asked curious for my behaviour.

"Guess what?"

"Come on babe...I'm no good with the guessing games....tell me already"

"But you haven't even tried..." I was disappointed because I could sense that we didn't share the same mood.

"Val...tell me what is it?" he was getting impatient.

"OK...OK...So I got you a ticket to come and see me babe" I said expecting a huge scream of enthusiasm on the other end.

" Em...em...really? How did you...?"

"I got it very cheap on line..." I explained.

"But ...I can't make it Val..." he almost whispered and I could already feel my eyes tearing.

The state that I'm in. (BEING EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now