Friend Zone (Mindless Behavior Love Story)

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Jordan's Pov____

Hi my Name is Jordan But everyone calls me Jay or as My Bestest friend in the whole wide world calls me is "Jay Boggie" or "Jay bear" My bestfriend name is Jacob well as everyone knows him as Princeton and yes the Princeton from Mindless Behavior. Prince has been my Bestfriend sence we were two ,Me and Prince are kinda like brother and sister but it's weird because i think i have feelings for that boy I love him and not in a Brotherly way i love him like a crush...I think. Me and Prince are so close like a suit and a Bow tie or like a bee and hunny and i don't think i can tell him because i don't want me and his relationship to be ruined so i really x4 don't know what to do should i tell him and see how it goes from there or let it go and forget about it cause i really don't want to ruin the great friendship that we have.I guess i'll just ask my bestfriend Nay she tells me very good advice.

Jay: *Takes out her phone and calls Nay*


Jay:Hey Nay wyd???

Nay:Wassup i was sleeping but THANK YOU FOR WAKING ME UP!!!

Jay: your sleeping at 2:00pm???

Nay:Yea y aren't you?It's called a nap

Jay:I need to talk to you can you come over?

Nay:Yea i'll be over in 20minutes

Jay:Okay thx

~Nay Knocks on Jay's door 45minutes later~

Nay:Sorry im late a spider was on my door and i couldn't leave the house with it right there so i waited for it to move

Jay:why didn't you just kill it dummy

Nay:Good idea...IDEK

Jay:Your so stupid now its some where in your house and is going to lay eggs and they are going to bite you in your sleep

Nay:Then i'll be spider man... duh

Jay:STFU...No really i need to talk to you

Nay:Wassup*Looking in the fridge and got a bottle of water*

Jay: Well this is something you would probaly never hear me say but,-Gco

Nay:Come on say it i ain't got all day!

Jay: well i think....

Nay:Uggggh say it now!

Jay:I like princeton

Nay:Like who...Princeton...Princeton Princeton the one with the bushy bush???

Jay:Yes Nay i like the princeton with curly hair pretty smile and amazimg grind yes that princeton what other princeton do we know???

Nay:It's a school named princeton

Jay:wtf what imma say i like princeton the school

Nay:Yea you could but why are you telling me and not him?

Jay:idk if i want too thats why i called you do you think i should tell him or not because he might laugh at me and yea i don't want to ruin our friend ship

Nay:You think Princeton would really laugh at you...Hes to sweet for that

Jay:idk he might i don't want to get laughed at

Nay:He won't and i think you should really tell him and i kinda think he likes you too..i mean me always touching you and kissing you on your cheek

Jay:thats our thing we always do things like that

Nay:no it's different...But you should tell him soon okay

Jay:Okay...i'll tell him today we going out later you wanna come

Nay: no i got things to do today

Jay:Like what?

Nay:Things with prod*Wink,Wink*

Jay:Ewwww...i'll call you and tell you what happened okay

Nay:yuppp see you later

~Nay leaves and  Jay Text Prince~

-----Text Convo-----



JayBear:Hey Princey Poo

ImThatMisfit:Hey Girlaaa,Wyd

JayBear:N/m chillin what time you coming?

ImThatMisfit:Koolio,imma come around 4:30

JayBear:Kay Bye love ya

ImThatMisft:Love you more <3

----End of text messages---

Jay:*Smiling*I gotta get ready

~Jay puts on and her long light brown hair that has been curled in a high bun with a light pink bow in the back of the bun~

Jay's pov

By time im finish i hear a knock on the door and it's prince,when im around prince my heart skips a beat he makes me melt inside i love the way he makes me feel i can butterflies in my stomach i open the door and give prince a very big smile and hug him he smells so good!

End of pov

Jay: Hey friend frenn

Prince:Hey you look so beautiful,But i bet your used to me telling you that

Jay;Thx and you smell good

Prince: thx,You ready?

~Prince has on and his hair in the normal bush~

Jay:Yea where are we going

Prince:To the carnival

Jay:Yeah,But i think i should tell you something first


Jay:well...Prince i know you might not feel the same way but i think i like you...before you say anything i don't want to ruin our friendship so i just wanted to let you know that and-Gco

Prince:Shhh you talk to much *Smiling,kisses jay on the lips*

Jay:Wow!*Shakes her head trying to make sure shes not sleeping or something*Did you really just kiss me???

Prince:Yea...Im sorry you didn't want me too did you

Jay:No! i did want you too *Smiling so big*So you like me too?

Prince:ofcouse i do i always liked you but when i wanted to tell you you either had a boyfriend or i was to scared

Jay:Omg im so happy,umm so where do we go from here

Prince:*Smiling*I guess i can ask you to be my #1 girl now,Jordan  Bivens would you like to be my #1 girl

Jay:Ofcourse i would *Hugs and kisses him*Do you still wanna go to the carnival?

Prince:Change of plans...How about we stay here*Smiling,kisses jay on her lips then moves his way down to her Neck

Jay:*Moans when he kisses her on the neck*

Prince:*Smiles,and picks jay up and lays her gently on the couch*Do you want to do this?

Jay:Yes Papi *Smiling,Biting her bottom lip*

Hey Guiseee It's meh Naystry i wroyte this one but it is most likely that we all will right the other stories this story is just getting started and no where near finish so comment if you think i should continue making this or i shouldn't ans follow meh on the gram @Naystry_Pastry and follow the character Jordan in  the story @Forever_Luvh please and thank you we will follow back :) ---Don't forget to comment and Follow us on here

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2013 ⏰

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