Swishy fishy was a very nice fish
Loved by all in the big bowl of water
By the whales, the rays and the otter
However this love did not suit her gills
She had a wish that always gave her the thrills
She wanted to be loved by the world above
By the mountains, the people, and the doves
So one day she built up the courage
to ask a Pelican for a passage to the land of air
“Please oh please Mr. Bird, take me to the land I dream!”
The Pelican burst out into a laughter, that almost made Swishy
“I will take you to the the land of humans, for sure!
But caution, for some have an evil in their heart that has no cure.
Some will want to eat you,
for swishy fish is famous on the menu of many
of famous chefs that wont just cook you for a penny!
They will brew you, and grill you, and chop you up too!
This offer might be something you should rethink, if I were you..”
“No no no! Please Mr. Bird, I will be fine!
I’ll remember your words and no one will have me to dine,
so please just take me, do you like to see me frown?
No need to be so worried, you can pick me up at sundown.”
So finally the Pelican agreed, scooped Swishy into his wide beak
and off she fleed, from the big bowl of water where she lived all her life,
to the wondrous world of air, that she believed would rid her of her
The first part to a poem I just came up with ^^;
hope you like it though :)