What is the price of love? (part one)

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Jungkook tossed another cheetoh in the air, leaning to catch it with his mouth, only to miss yet again. Letting out a strangled sound of frustration, he moved his legs into a cross-legged position, reaching to pick up the dusted orange ball attempting to stain the light carpet yet again.
"If you stain that you have to clean it."
"I know I know!" Jungkook said bitterly to Taehyung, shoving the small chip into his mouth with no concern at all to what could be on the floor. Taehyung cocked his eyebrow at him, and Jungkook merely shrugged. "It's nothing I haven't had before."
With a shocked face, Taehyung snatched the chips from his orange stained greedy fingers, already heading off to the kitchen to hide them from the insatiable maknae. Jungkook whined but dared to go even further, turning around to face Taehyung while licking a finger ever so slowly. His face twisted into an evil grin and Taehyung could only hope to god he wasn't going to go there.
"Mm, Taehyung-ah," Jungkook practically sang, sliding another finger into his mouth. "It tastes just as good as you."
"Jeon Jungkook!"
He knew it was coming, he knew Jungkook would venture there and the younger boy knew exactly how Taehyung would react and couldn't help but crack into laughter, his shoulders shaking.
Taehyung pouted. "Was it really that funny?"
The younger shrugged. "Definitely. I want them back."
It took Taehyung a moment to realize the just-turned adult was implying the packet of chips Taehyung had confiscated off of him, the packet frozen in his fingers.
"No, it's late." Taehyung shoved the nearly empty packet into the back corner of a tall cupboard, not bothering to tie it off correctly. He knew Jungkook would come back to it at around one in the morning the next day, craving an unhealthy snack to help him sleep, though the constant crackles and chewing did very little to help Taehyung's fatigue.
"It's not that late." Jungkook whined, shoulders going limp in disappointment and a pained twisted look formed on his face that Taehyung found cuter than every newborns' sleepy smiles in the world combined. His heart swelled a tiny bit when Jungkook finally admitted defeat, grumbling under his breath about Taehyung acting like his mother while licking clean the rest of his cheesy fingers.
Taehyung moved back over, shuffling the pillows they had sat on for the last four or so hours before reaching to turn the background TV off. However, Jungkook stopped him. Taehyung gave him a confused look and he simply pointed at the TV with a shaky hand.
There, on the screen, was a fresh report of another robbery. Not just a normal robbery, of jewellery or money or even a car, but of something much more precious that cannot be retrieved once taken.
"Look at the address, that's near here!" Jungkook panicked instantly and a sickened feeling lodged in Taehyung's stomach. Who could do that to someone? Who could rob them of all their love, turn them more emotionless than an inanimate object? Who would dare put a price on love?
"Sh, it's okay." Taehyung murmured, pulling a still shaken Jungkook closer, weaving his fingers in the front of the maknae's sideburns. "I promise you will be safe. I will protect you."
Jungkook paused, before giving a single tiny nod. Taehyung smiled for a split second to himself. It didn't matter that this wonderful boy was taller, strong, and much more well-built than he was, he was still the biggest baby of them all. And Taehyung knew he had to protect that. He would do anything to keep Jungkook safe.
After a few moments of silent reassurance and calming breaths, Taehyung let go to turn the TV off, grabbing Jungkook's hand to lead him to their bedroom.
"Ugh." Taehyung realised with a groan of disgust that licking your fingers clean of fake powdered cheese is never going to match up to properly washing them, as Jungkook's hand stuck to his in an unpleasant way. "You didn't wash your hands."
"I did so!" Jungkook'd mouth twisted into an adorable pout and Taehyung tugged him harder towards the bedroom, exhaustion threatening to leave him collapsed in the sitting room. Jungkook was high maintenance to say the least, but he'd been preparing something special for their anniversary. He wanted to spoil his maknae, which meant he had to work more. More work, later hours, and a clingy Jungkook to deal with at the end of the day. The last part was always his favourite.
"Don't forget to brush those pearly whites." Taehyung reminded him, half shoving him into the bathroom joined to their room and Jungkook scoffed.
"Seriously mom? Is that you?"
"I'll call her if you don't brush."
"I'm going!" Jungkook disappeared into the bathroom and a moment later Taehyung heard the water running.
He sighed to himself, climbing under the covers and waiting for his boyfriend. Nothing, not one thing, could change his love for this boy. Not even those damned thieves.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2015 ⏰

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