Time Turner

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First story guys! No hate please



We were in the middle of the Battle of Hogwarts, Fighting for our right to live. Our right to live freely, and without predjudical people. Mudbloods and blood traitors, as they called us, fighting rich, evil and pureblooded people, or, more commonly known as his followers, called Death Eaters. They love to torture and kill muggles and muggleborn witches and wizards.

I was in the middle of a fight with Bellatrix Lestrange. She was shooting spells left and right. All I could do was put up shields and dodge the dark spells she casted, while she laughed maniacally, seeming as if she did this on a daily basis, which, no doubt she does.

It was then I saw my chance. I quickly yelled,

"Stupefy!" She did not see this coming, as she immedietely flew backward, landing with a thump on the ground, her leg bent painfully backward, definetely snapping it, ripping every tendon and ligament in her leg, not to mention snapping her bones to a point where they were sticking out of the top of her knee, blood oozing and occasionally spurting out.

Bellatrix screamed a horrible, blood-curdling scream. Cursing me with the most foul words, and then, she stopped. She lost the fiery look in her eyes, the enormous amount of bloodlust gone. She had died. From pain, or bloodloss, I did not know. I felt horrible. I had killed a person, unintentionally, yes, but I still felt as if my soul had been ripped. I was no better than a Death Eater now.

Instead of standing there, regretting what I did, I ran. Next thing I knew, I was inside the castle, on my way to Dumbledore's office. My mission now was to find the note that Dumbledore left me, with careful instructions on what to do if I saw the Light losing the battle.

I ran up a thousand sets of stairs, and finally reached Headmaster Dumbledore's office. I muttered the password (Lemon Drops) in case someone was listening. The late Headmaster had told me precisely where it was, in a special cabinet he had magically encased in the wall.

"Revelare Secretum!" I spoke. It was a spell, that, in Latin, meant "Reveal secret." Invented it himself, Dumbledore did.

On the wall, revealed a locker. I opened it, saying the incantation 'alohamora' and grabbed the envelope. I ripped it opened, and a time turner fell out. I picked it up off the ground, and read the note.

"Ms. Granger,

If you are reading this, then I am dead, and the Light is not in fact, favorable in this battle. There is one way you can fix this. The time turner I have given you is enchanted to take someone farther back than an ordinary time turner will. I would like for you to go back in time, to 1945 in Tom Riddle's seventh year, to change him for the better. Try to not change the time line, unless of course, you are changing him for the better. Obviously, you will have some concerns about the future, or for us, the present, but rest assured, I have gone through everything, and there should be no risk, if you do this correctly.

Your professor,

Albus Dumbledore.

P.S. 15 turns should do it

I put the time turner around my neck and started to turn it.











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