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Deep deep blue, like the ocean. But even bluer, somehow. And deep. So deep that I could get lost in them. Just exploring, for eternity, the beauty that is Phil Lester's eyes. When I look closely I can see other colours. Bright yellow and a dark, dark, red. So many beautiful colours. And attached to them is the most beautiful thing of all. Phil. The first time I saw Phil was like a dream come true. I had been watching his videos for years. But a camera could never capture the beautiful uniqueness of his eyes. The first time I saw him I was instantly drawn into his gaze. So much that he had to grab me to bring me back. The explanation that followed was long and incredibly awkward. Eventually I ended up telling him that he looked different online and that it was nice to see him in real life. After that we went for pancakes, before heading back to my apartment where he stayed for a week before leaving to go back home. Things are very different now. We've been living together for three years and my feelings for him have not changed in the slightest. Neither has our love for pancakes, which pretty much explains our awkward love story.
And here it is...

Phils POV

Dan hasn't been himself lately. He keeps randomly going quiet, or staring off into oblivion. Sometimes I wish I could follow him there and guide him back with me. Or sometimes, like right now, he stares right into my eyes, glaring at me with his chocolate brown ones. I don't really mind him staring at me. He can be so shy, it's hard to get to him. But when he looks at me like he is now, I feel comfortable and safe. I reach out and grab his hand, which pulls him out of his haze, just like it did the first time we met. Things are different now, but still the same. He still falls deep into his own little world, and I still wish more than anything, that I could follow him there.

Dans POV

I feel Phils hand in mine, and reach to rejoin him, shaking myself out of the haze I so often fall into. As I come back I realise I'm looking right into his beautiful blue eyes, and I remember how I got lost to begin with.
"Are you ready to go?" He asks gently.
"Where are we going?" I respond, confused. "Downstairs" he says "remember we told Tyler and Troye that we'd go to their hotel room after the panel."
"Oh yeah" I say, the memory returning. "Let's go."

Phils POV

We walk out of the hotel room, still holding hands, and go to stand in front of the lift. "Phil?" He asks, looking over at me "yeah?" I respond. "After we get back from Tyler's room, can we make pancakes?"
"Of course we can" I grin, just as the lift opens.

We step up to Tyler's door, and I knock. A moments later the door opens to reveal a drunk looking Tyler Oakley. Troye is standing beside him, holding his hand. "DAN!" Tyler says enthusiastically. "PHIL! Come on in, Maimreys already here!"
We step through the door, and Dan assumes the cheeky, confident persona that he falls into when he's around other people, or in front of a camera. "Drinks?" Says Troye, holding up two beers. "Yes please" Dan smiles taking the beers and handing one to me. "Idunno Dan" I say, unsure "remember what happened last time I drank?"
"That was my fault" he says "I shouldn't have left you alone." I take the beer, still uncertain, and take a tentative sip. "How was that" he asks, looking at me expectantly. "Alright I guess" I respond, deciding to just grin and bear it, if only to please dan.

Several drinks later, and I find I'm actually beginning to enjoy myself. The music is fun, and for once I actually know everyone in the room, I'm on my way over for another beer, when Colleen (who arrived with Josh just after me and Dan) grabs my arm and pulls me to the couches, where the rest of the group is already assembled. "We're playing a game" she announces excitedly, dragging me over to the last remaining seat, and plonking me down.
"What game?" I ask, realising that for the first time I'm actually excited at the prospect of a party game. "We're not sure" says Josh "it's a toss up between Truth or Dare, and Spin the Bottle"
"I think we should play Spin the Bottle" says Maimrey, grinning widely. "You always think that" says Grace, who must've arrived at some point with Connor, who's also here. "I'm with Maimrey" says Tyler "Truth or Dare is a kids game"
"Fine" says Colleen "we'll play spin the bottle. But you're going first Ty"
"Great" says Tyler, smirking. We arrange ourselves in a circle on the floor, and Dan offers up a beer bottle that he's just finished drinking. Tyler leans forward, placing it in the centre, before spinning it sharply. I watch as it spins in circles, entranced. As it begins slowing  down, Tyler leans foreword a little, grinning. The bottle slowly stops spinning and lands squarely on Troye, who looks up, with a slightly concerned look on his face. "Its your lucky day" says Tyler, before leaning towards Troye and pressing a kiss to his lips.
For a moment there's a tension in the room, and Tyler begins to pull away, sensing Troyes unease. But as he does, the mood shifts, and Troye grabs Tyler by the back of his head, pulling him back and deepening the kiss for a few seconds before pulling away. "It really is" Troye grins, smirking at Tyler's red face, sure that that was what Ty had meant to do to him.
"Yeah yeah, you guys are adorable" says Maimrey "can I have a go now" we all look over to her, and as no one else seems inclined to volunteer, Troye nods and says "go ahead"
Maimrey spins the bottle excitedly, not as forcefully as Tyler did, and it quickly lands on Connor. Without saying anything, Maimrey leans foreword and plants a soft but lingering kiss onto Connors mouth, before pulling back, grinning. "That's all you've got" asks Grace cheekily, grinning at Connor. "I'd like to see you do better" he fires back, and the game quickly descends into madness. Before I know what's happened, Grace has kissed Colleen, Josh has kissed Maimrey, and Colleen has kissed Dan, and Dan is just about to hand the bottle to Troye, when Tyler interjects. "I think it's Phils turn" he says grinning, and I pale, not wanting to kiss anyone. "Good point" says Maimrey, leaning foreword and plucking the bottle out of Dans outstretched hand before tossing it to me. "Off you go" she says, grinning devilishly.
I place the bottle shakily on the floor, before gently spinning it, and watching as my fate unravels before me. I can here the scratching sound as the glass spins over the wooden floor, getting slower and slower, before it finally stops. I look at the tip, forcing my eyes along the ground and up, till I'm staring into the chocolate brown eyes of Dan.

Dans POV

When the bottle lands on me, it's as if the whole world has slowed down to a millisecond, and every heartbeat goes on forever, until time itself has frozen in place. All I can see are Phils eyes as they meet with mine and he processes what's about to happen. Somewhere, a million miles away, I can hear the intake of breath as the others see where the bottle has landed, but all I can see is Phil, as he moves closer and closer towards me. When his nose bumps into mine, I close my eyes, and a moment later, I feel the warmth of his lips as they crash into mine.
He tastes like cherries. In my dreams, he tasted of cinnamon, but this is so much better than a dream, and the unfamiliar taste reminds me just how real this is. My mouth opens, and he slips his tongue in, exploring my mouth with his. I have to remind myself to breathe as the sensation overtakes me, washing me up into a beautiful beach with endless sun and beautiful skies, the same colour as Phils eyes, and they only people here are us.
He pulls away, and I sit there, shell shocked, as the rest of the group stares at me.
I can hear distant noises, and I desperately try to pull myself back, but I'm trapped here, in a limbo between life, and heaven, unable to escape. Until Phil takes my hand, and I come crashing back to earth, and see the faces around me, like the faces of aliens.

"Dan are you ok?" Connor asks, looking concerned. I try to respond but I can't form any words, still staring at Phil.
"He's fine" Phil reassures the group. "He's had to much to drink, I better get him to bed"
The others nod in agreement, as Phil stands and pulls me up with him, guiding me to the door. "It was great seeing you all" he says "I hope we see you again before we leave"
As soon the door closes Phil scoops me up into his arms, and begins carrying me towards the lift.
"Hi" I smile, as the doors open "well hey there" says Phil "I'm glad to see there's still someone in there"
It takes me a moment to process what he's said, and by the time I figure it out, we're already back in our room, and he's laying me on the bed.
"How're you feeling?" He asks, sitting down on the bed next to me.
"Amazing" I respond "it was amazing"
"What was amazing?" he asks "the thing" I respond, vaguely realising I'm not making any sense. "The thing?" He's asks "do you mean the party?"
I mumble incoherently, rolling over so I can look into his eyes. He stand up off the bed and walks to hang his coat up in the wardrobe. "Or are you talking about the people?" He says, turing, and waking towards me slowly.
"Or is it possible?" He asks, as he arrives at the edge of my bed and leans down. "That you meant this"
His lips crash into mine again, and I, unprepared, moan gently, and lean into the kiss, closing my eyes and wrapping my arms around his neck as he sinks down onto the bed next to me.
"This" I mumble through the kiss "definitely this"
"Shut up" he laughs "and kiss me"
He pulls me closer to him, rolling over so that he's lying on top of me, and deepens the kiss, causing me to sigh in response. "Phil" I mumble. "I'm tired" he pulls away, planting one last kiss on my forehead. "Well then you'd better go to sleep" he says sweetly, still close enough that I can feel his breath on my skin. "But this is fuuun" I object, trying to grab at his head, but accidentally whacking his arm instead. "Well" he says, "I'm not going anywhere. I would be more than happy to resume after you wake up."
"Promise?" I murmur, trying desperately not to fall asleep. "Promise" he says.
"And Phil" I say,  right before I fall asleep.
"We still need to make pancakes."

Well, that's it for this one guys. Hope you enjoyed. I'm eternally grateful for any likes and comments that I get, and also feel free to correct my grammar because I've almost definitely messed something up.
I love you all, and thanks for reading.
See you soon❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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