Lilies Light In The Dark

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Walking down the eerie hallway, I noticed how the floor creaked under my weight. I slowly made my way toward the paneled door that said 'Princess Lillie' on it.The door knob was cold in my warm hand. The flickering light was making this abandoned house more and more sinister to my eyes. When I was casually jogging down the cracked and slightly angled sidewalk, I saw this little sliver of pink in the broken, rotten window frames. I had to know what it was. It stood out against this forsaken house.

When I turned the knob, it made a weird jiggling sound. The door leisurely and raspily squeaked open. I winced at the high-pitched squeal the rusty old hinges on the door made.

Inside the room everything was perfect. There was a toddler bed with white framework around it. The bed was pushed up into the corner of the room. The bed's comforter was made of satins and sequences. I ran my hand along the smooth blanket causing little wrinkles to appear on the soft pink fabric. It had a homemade doll on it that was supposed to look like a princess.The walls were a light lavender color, and the framework was a bold purple.

Across the room, there was a doll house. It looked old, over a hundred years old. The last person to live here was at least a hundred years ago. It was becoming really bone-chilling, blood-curdling, petrifyingly scary. How did all this survive throughout all this time?

The real hardwood floor was loose and slowly rotting away. I saw a little rocking chair that was a deep purple-ish color in the far corner of the room near the closet. There was a picture next to it. It seemed to portray a young girl in a pink dress and brown curls and what looked to be her mom or sister. Above each of the heads in the blue sky were the words 'help us'.

Why did no one else find this suspicious?

The rest of the house was a catastrophe. Then there was this room that hadn't been touched. It was as if someone had been coming up here and cleaning up the place.

Finally, I set the picture down and walked over to the doll house. When I was about to touch the doll house, I heard what sounded like a little girl giggle. I felt a presence near my left arm and looked over to see a young girl. She had a cut along her neck and her eyes were completely white except for her pupil. I was very spooked. But for some reason, I wasn't all that scared of this young girl. This little girl started speaking. The more she spoke, the more her light pink ripped dress would get soaked from the her own blood oozing out of her neck. Her light brown hair had been left in what looked like natural ringlets. I wasn't sure whether to cry or be frightened.

I finally started listening to what the girl was saying. She said, "Do you like my dollies? My mommy bought them for me. But then my daddy got mad and hit mommy. She fell asleep. Daddy said that it was my fault mommy had fallen asleep. All I remember was daddy putting a scary knife to my neck and pushing. It hurt. I was crying and daddy was laughing. Then.....I don't know, it's been a long time since I talked to somebody."

I was shocked to say the least. This.....This girl is dead? I slowly got up and looked at the little girl. I asked her, "When did this happen?"

"I dont know. It was a long time ago. I miss my Mommy and Dadd....."

Her sentence was cut off as her eyes rolled to the back of her head, and she faded out. The room slowly began to fade and show what it would look like old and rotten just like the rest of this house.

I got up and scrambled out of the house so fast that it was all a blur. I went to tell the police, and they said that the case of the Jacksons, which are the last people to live there, had been solved ages ago. But it was said that the Jacksons didn't have a kid, and the father had disappeared. They called me crazy. They sent me to the looney bin .

So here I am, sitting in the crazy home in line to take my medicine for my "hallucinations." That's when I see the young girl in the corner quietly sobbing. I look around, and no one else looks in her direction. Maybe I am crazy!

No. Thats crazy. I am not a lunatic who sees mirages. I walked over to her and tried to talk to her, but she just whimpered and cowered farther into the corner. Then, her body slowly withered away.

Eventually, I got her to whisper simple "yes" or "no" answers, and the cries of pain slowly calmed over the weeks. 2 weeks later, I had a fatal heart attack. I looked over and saw the light. And to my surprise there was Lily, the little girl. She looked at me, and I realized she is no longer a little girl but a beautiful young woman. " My father was right. He said that you would come with me. I hoped that it was you. Only a true Jackson would be able to see my treacherous past. So come with me little child."

Then, the next thing you know, I was looking into the light.

Then............... I'm free falling.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2015 ⏰

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