Hell- School

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Autumn's P.O.V:

I walked into hell-  I mean highschool.

Well there isn't really a difference if you go to my school. All of the people here, Are proof that I might as well be in hell.

I heard giggling and looked behind me to the girls in a circle, Twirling their hair and batting their fake eyelashes.  I walked over to them and surprise surprise, They were surrounding Ashton Freaking James.

I rolled my eyes and walked back to my locker, Opening it as my sister Kylie walked up to me. "Autumn, Autumn guess what?!" She screaming cheerfully, Waiting for my reply. I sighed quietly, Looking at her. "What, Kylie?"

"Josh asked me out!" She exclaimed hopping up and down.
"Took him long enough, You two have been having sex for like, What a year?" I shrugged. It was true. Josh was over all the time.

Josh wasn't that bad, He was sweet, But he was a player.
Him and Ashton were best friends. A long with a few other boys.
I got used to seeing Josh in the kitchen when I walked downstairs after waking up. My parents were never home. My mom is a nurse.
My dad is a carpenter.

My dad would leave for months some times. My mom would be gone almost all day and night, Every night. I rarely see them.
But when they were home, The fact my sister would be having sex in her room with Josh, Didn't bother them.

My parents claim "Its our life, Our decisions and our choices. Any mistakes we make, Are on us. Our faults." But they aren't always like that.

'Also, Autumn, There is a party at Jake's tonight. I need a ride home...And you happen to be the only one who probably wouldn't drink..Could you go with me and drive me home? Please ill do anything you ask for the next months!" She begged, I should have seen this coming. Yeah, I go to parties and stuff a lot, But my best friend, Always goes with me. I don't go alone because I can't stand half of the bitches in my school. And they always go.

"Kylie, You said that last week." I sighed, Closing my locked after grabbing my books. "I know, But please?" She asked sadly. "Fine." I gave in, Waiting for the bell to ring and walking to math.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2015 ⏰

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