Jurnee-15 years old,her full name is jurnee sanna Hawkins, she was born on June 26, and goes to laketaylor highschool
Jordan-16 years old,his full name is jodan amir Hawkins, he was born December 18, and goes to laketaylor highschool
John-36 years old,his full name is john Elliott Hawkins, he was born February 3, and works in the ship yard
Kerry-36 years old,her full name is Kerry Elizabeth Hawkins, she was born April 23, and is a stay at home mom
long jurnee (urban)
RandomJurnee is a 15 year old girl. she has her 16 year old brother Jordan that she loves but they have their own way of showing it, her dad john that is always working to support his family, and her mom Kerry she's a normal loving stay at home mom. you c...