Hoodlove (You should try it)

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hi mii peeps!!!! thats mii new name for you guys...okey soo this is mii first story sooo..I'm sooooo srry if it doesnt turn out good..I wil try and update every monday wednesday and friday..if dance doesnt get in the way...butttt okey enough of mii chit chat ON TO THE STORY!!


name:Kamielle Daniella Sikes (milly,millz,kat,kami,kam) 


talents:sings, dances, gymnastics, and play piano and guitar 

group name:Supa Fly 

boyfriend: Prodigy 

description:laeder of Supa Fly goes to Ouachita High (for those of you who cant pronounce it ; wash-it-ta) over protective of her friends..kind of the rebel of the group

name:Hiana Jane McAfee (hiana, DJ) 


talents:sings, dances, gymnastics 

group name:Supa Fly 

boyfriend:Roc Royal 

description:goes to Ouachita High, also very protective of her friends..but Kamielle the most..the funny one of the group

name:Doni Nicole Potter(doni) 


talents:sings, dances, gymancstics, karate 

group name:Supa Fly 

boyfriend:Ray Ray 

description:the smartass out of the group....really cares for her friends..she aint afraid to fight either

name:Rikki Janae Reed (rikki) 


talents:sings, dances, gymnastics 

group name:Supa Fly 


description:quiet one out of the group..but can get pretty loud if you get to know her well

name:Ariana Arlette Coastland (ari)(check out her story oh great! I'm mixed in this...its really good..I'm in there milly) 


talents:sings, dances,  

group name:Freestylers 

boyfriend:jacob latimore 

description:leader of the Freestylers..is mean to everyone except Milly (they have been friends since birth but are in different groups) has her own style..mostly just doesnt care at all..goes to Ouachita High

name:Alyssa Scarlet Brown(lay lay)(check out her story without the fame amazing) 


talents:sings, dances, gymnastics 

group name:Freestylers 

boyfriend:Diggy simmons 

description:smart one of the group...only acts dumb to please Ari which is just making it worst...has a lot of friends but all turned them down for Ari..which was a bad decision. .

name:Kristen Rose Payne(kay kay) 

talents:sings, dances, piano,  


group name:Freestylers 


description:kristen is the dumb one without a doubt...she does whatever Ari says and has the same outfits as her too....if that isnt clingy then idk wat is....but she has tons of friends for being that way..and she thinks that was the best decision ever

now you guys know the boys but I will introduce them for you anyways since I'm that nice...I'm just going to go by their band names and not their real names...because I would expect you them.....sorry if that was mean







name:roc royal 



name:ray ray 



name:diggy simmons 


girlfriend:lay lay



girlfriend:kay kay

name:jacob l. 



okey...I'm soo excited..soo let me hush...nd you read

(in an alley, Milly and Doni walking to the house)

Milly:it's soo dark

Doni:I know right

(the girls hear one girl screaming and the girls look around the corner to see two guys (prod and ray) letting two girls give them blowjobs, prod and ray look over at them and walk over to them the girls cant move because they're so scared...finally Doni snaps out of it and runs off with milly......)...... (I am sooo srry if it sounds weird but It will all make sense ...I promise)

milly:(crying) why me.....why did it have to be me!!


(the girls walk in school and go to their lockers..which are right by each other)


all the girls except milly:what!?!?!?


Milly:(stays frozen)


Milly:(stays frozen)

Rikki:(yells loud enough for her and the girls to hear) KAMIELLE DANIELLA FUCKING SIKES

Milly:(low voice) yes?

Rikki:what's wrong!!!! please tell me

(just then Milly turns around and sees MB, and in MB..the two guys prod and ray) 

(MB walks up to the girls)

Prince:hey chicas!!

Prod:(talkin to Milly) hey lil'mama

Milly:(looks down, whispers loud enough so he can hear) hi

Prod:dont be like that let me talk to ya

Milly:(unsure what to say, nervous) ok

hi mii peeps let me kno if I should add milly's and prod's convo...if you do please comment on it butttttt.....it is soooo sad and has a lot of drama (not worried about the drama just the sad parts)...please comment and vote if you want me to continue..because I'm starting to have 2nd thoughts about putting this story on here... 


................bye mii peeps 

... ......... .......... ....~Milly♡♥♡♥♡♥⊙⊙⊙♥♡♥ ⊙·⊙ ⊙~⊙ ⊙'⊙ >·< }·{ ]·[

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