Chapter 28: Lost and Found

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3rd Person POV

"Brooke, please, listen to me. I'm sorry." The stubborn brown haired girl ignored the plea from her friend and continued sitting in front of the door, reading away at the comic she stole from the boy's room. "There was no way he was going to get in here," thought the girl out loud, slowly closing her eyes as her body relaxed against the wooden door.

The boy started kicking the door, frustration running through his simple-minded head. The girls piercing, electric blue eyes snapped open and looked towards the white door. She slammed 'her' comic on the ground and shouted eagerly, "I never want to speak to you again!"

"Please, Brooke," sobbed the strawberry blonde hair boy, banging on the bedroom door. Tears started to drip from his chubby cheeks. Guilt started rushing through his whole body.

"You're supposed to be my brother," spoke the tired girl quietly, "and brothers and sisters don't leave each other."

The girl sprawled out on the floor, tears escaping from her eyes. She couldn't help but reflect on the good times they shared together, knowing it would all be gone so soon. Her eyes bled with pain and sorrow.

"I don't want to speak to you ever again, Christopher."

Brooklyn POV

The barrier started to crumble around us. The cracks were barely visible now. Why didn't anyone tell me these force fields last for a short time? Mikage should really give me a help sheet in how my powers work.

I groaned loudly and ruffled my hair. What was I going to do? I've got an injured Mizuki on my lap, two crying 'Will-O'-Wisps' in a huge crowd and an injured Tomoe somewhere!


Shit. Shit. Shit! They're going to find him all bruised, probably a bit tipsy and they'll hurt him. He's dead.

My eyes opened as my mind was hit with a realisation. I looked for Onikiri and Kotetsu and my eyes lit up when I saw them.

That was until I saw a huge fist right next my face. Thank god the barrier wasn't breaking. Oh, wait. IT IS!

I opened my mouth but was stopped momentarily as two figures in black cloaks stepped in front of us simultaneously.

And coincidentally, that's when the barrier smashed around us.

I covered mine and Mizuki's head as the glass started to crash on top of us. Mizuki wrapped his arms around my neck and put my head into the crook of his neck so I wouldn't get the impact. I could feel his heavy, hot breath breathing against my neck.

"You don't try to hit a girl," Hissed an ice, cold voice. A piece of paper floated on to the disgusting yokai's vile forehead and was pulled into a cloud of white.

"Especially Brooklyn," snarled another, but deeper, and more venomous.


I gulped and opened my eyes to see two pure green eyes looking into my own. Mine and Mizuki's face were really close together. A blush started to cover my cheeks making Mizuki chuckle. I pulled my face away from his and looked up.

I was now facing two purple, cold eyes. Oh, it seems I'm the one who's going to die.

"I thought you had rules," growled Tomoe as he stared at Mizuki with pure hatred. Mizuki continued smirking and wiped a fake tear away making Tomoe raise his hand, which I caught.

"And I thought you were dead!" I snapped back, pulling my hand away quickly. This isn't how I wanted to find Tomoe.

Tomoe clenched his jaw and held his hand out to me. I raised an eyebrow. "So what, you're going to be nice to me?" I pushed (more like kicked) Mizuki off me as I felt like he was going to coil himself around me again (fricking pervert...), then eventually stood up.

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