Chapter 1 Part 1

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Prince Zen got talked about. She knew this. It was only natural. After all he was the second prince of the kingdom Clarines. Shirayuki, as of having bright, unusual red hair, was getting lots of attention for it and her relationship with the prince was always a topic for gossip. It didn't help that Zen was always sneaking out the castle and or his duties to go see her. There was lots to talk about and Shirayuki knew that people would gossip and talk about her and the prince, but for the most part she didn't really mind. It had taken her a long time, but she knew who she was and she wouldn't let anybody shake that. So when she was taking a shortcut the palace gardens one afternoon and heard the voice of someone saying her name, she wasn't surprised, although she was a little bit curious. The high manicured hedges hid her from view as she stopped to listen.

"...of course I had heard that Prince Zen and Court Herbalist Shirayuki were quite...fond of each other. He did bring her to Clarines after all." It was one of His Majesty Izana's aides "But seeing them together, the way they behave...I had not credited it at first when I heard the rumors," the person continued, "The way she drools over him and the way he leads her on, it's indecent."

Shirayuki's stomach lurched and she felt her face flush with anger and embarrassment. Her hands trembled as she backed away from the trees. Part of her wanted to rip her way through the hedge and kick the aide somewhere sensitive. The other part wanted to disappear, to never have to see them again. The garden seemed like a maze as she made her way out of it. She couldn't even remember getting to the prince's chambers but suddenly she found herself there. She stared into the mirror, watched her reflection blur as she teared up. She couldn't believe it. That someone would say something like that about her, that someone would think that Zen drooled over her. I mean he was love-struck but he didn't drool over her, that she knew of. How could someone reduce their relationship, their love for each other down to a few cruel words and a hint of snide laughter?

She wiped her face off with her sleeve and sat on the bed, wrapping her arms around her knees. She felt so frustrated, so hurt and most of all so useless. How did one fight back against gossip and spite? She heard the mans' voice in her head again, as though they were following her, whispering in her ear. A second later the door opened and came in Prince Zen. He was holding a stack full of paperwork. "Ah, Shirayuki. What are you doing here in my room? Did you get of duty early? I was going to visit ----" Zen stopped mid sentence when he saw her face and her red rimmed eyes. He barely took the time to put the paper work down before he was by her side. His hands hovered just above hers as though he wanted to take them in his but wasn't sure if that was alright. "Shirayuki what's wrong? What is it?" His eyes were stormy with concern, searching her face for any hint of what had happened and what he could do to make it ten times better. Somehow it made Shirayuki feel even worse, knowing that he cared so much for her and that someone could just brush that off...

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