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"Alice, I have to talk to you this evening." was what my mother said to me in a concerned voice.

When I arrived home, my parents were waiting for me in the kitchen.They were seated and were were look at me with a concerned expression.

"Hey guys." I said shakily,"what's wrong?"

My parents looked at eachother and my father cleared his throat.

"I'm so sorry....." he said.

"Damn I never thought this day would come" I thought.

"I just want to say that I will miss you." My mother said while she sobbed.

Damn.were they having a divorce?

"We just wanted to tell you that-" I cut her sentence.

"No,mom, I understand. You are having troubles with dad,but you dont always have to divorce. We can work this out..." I said. Damn I can feel my eyes watering.

"No, we are not having a divorce, for heaven's sake!" my mother said in a shocked voice.

"Then what is it?" I sniffed.

"We are sending you away to New York so that it will be easy for you to go to Parsons."

Alice in New YorkWhere stories live. Discover now