I'm the one they left behind (Andley)

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Ashley's POV

"I'll sit here, I think," an unfamiliar voice said, causing me to jolt my head up to see what was going on.

"Okay, if that's what you would like," the more familiar voice of Mrs Mills, my form tutor, said, "Ashley, have you been paying attention?" She questioned, she knew the answer to that, there was no need to ask, "Since you haven't I will tell you, this is Andy the new student in our year group and by checking your timetable against his, you both seem to have the same lessons, therefore I have elected you to look after him until he becomes familiar and comfortable with our school." I nodded at Mrs Mills, then acknowledged Andy with a slight smile then immediately looked away as he sat down in the seat next to me, it would be unusual having someone to sit next to that seat's always been empty.

The Bell goes for first lesson, music, at least I can sit back and play my bass guitar for a little while, just to forget for a bit, just a bit of time to myself.

I perch uncomfortably in my seat, at the back of the class as usual, before realizing i'd be much comfier slouching. Just as I had grabbed my lyrics notebook out of my pocket Andy walked in looking nervous/scared/overwhelmed and incredibly annoyed all at once. He walked straight over to my desk, gained composure then said, "How come you left me? I didn't have a clue where I was going, and I thought we could have chatted and become friends, maybe? but I guess we'll just have to talk now." He smiled at me as I stared at him in disbelief, Andy slowly pulled the chair next to me out from under the desk so he could sit.

He chucked his plain black backpack onto the floor under the desk before sitting down lazily on the seat. He smelled good, like aftershave, I breathed in deeply before sighing. Andy shuffled in his seat before turning to me,"What instument do you play then?" he asked, which seemed sensible since we were in music class.

"Bass guitar and I sing a little I suppose," I replied with a nod of approval to myself, I don't think I have spoken that much in ages.

"Cool," Andy began, "I sing although that wasn't normal according to everyone in my old school-" his sentence was cut off by Miss Scott walking in and telling everyone to hush.

Later in the lesson Andy was elected to show us his skills and sung a song he had written, I felt a sudden shock of jealousy bolt through my body, when he sat down again I didn't speak to him despite his many tries to start a conversation. Soon enough the bell sounded to signal the end of the first lesson of the day, just four more to go. I was shocked greatly when Andy stood up in lightning speed turned to me and growled huskly, "I only wanted a friend and someone I could fit in with!" Before spinning around and leaving just as quick as he had stood up.

I can't help being cold, and being jealous of people, I don't want to get hurt, which is why I never let people close and become friends with people, my mother ignores me and calls me a useless waste of space and that I am the reason her life was ruined. Due to these facts I don't eat a great deal and have little etchs of beauty from one single razor blade running up and down my thighs and arms, my methods of escaping pain are probably not the best and most sensible but they worked. All I want is to not get hurt, I don't want a friend for them to then leave me when they realize how much of a bad person i am.

I'm the one they left behind (Andley)Where stories live. Discover now