Too Shy-Completed

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I met him in forever ago. I gained a new crush. His name was Luke. Blonde hair, blue eyes. He was one of my only friends in school, and ever since I met him we grew closer and closer. He grew into the perfect guy. The type of guy I thought only existed in movies. He was sweet, kind, comforting, sensitive, a writer, a musician, an artist. Not only that, but he was funny, the type of person who always made you laugh. And, though he didn't realize it, sometimes he could look pretty hot.

I missed him when he wasn't with me. I remember nights when I would lay alone in bed and long for his lovely voice to lull me into a blissful sleep. As we grew closer, my heart swelled with my love for him. He never knew, though. I was too shy to tell him.

I felt like he was starting to like me back. He would give simple gestures, such as moving closer to me if we were sitting by each other. And I liked it. But then I told myself that I could never like this boy. He was too weird. But on the inside, I knew I loved him, and longed for his love in return.

Then, it all fell into place. My friend was writing in my notebook that I loved him, and Katie + Luke= love, stuff like that. And the girl that sat next to him was writing that kind of stuff in his notebook. Later that night, he texted me. It started off as a normal conversation, then he surprised me.

Him: So, is it true?

Me: Is what true?

Him: What Baylee wrote in your notebook.

I understood exactly what he was talking about.

Me: Is it true? What Hayley wrote?

Him: That I love you?

Me: Yeah.

He didn't respond for a while. Then he sent his reply

Him: Yes

The joy that filled me was overwhelming. My heart began pounding, and I felt a surge of energy rush through me.

Me: I like you. A lot.

I was so excited for school the next day. I would get to see him in person, and now everything would be different. We loved each other. And we both knew the other's secret.

I got to school the next morning and walked into my first class. The bright yellow sunlight poured in through the closed window. The classroom was oddly quiet. I spotted my friend sitting at her desk and drawing in her notebook.

I set my things on my desk and walked to hers. I told my friend all about it. She listened intently, but I felt her being distracted by something. She wasn't acting as normal as usual, and didn't have anything to say.

"Is something wrong?" I asked, slightly aggravated by her absence from conversation.

"It's nothing." She said, as tears began to well in her eyes. The first bell rang.

"Don't lie to me, Baylee," I said, "What's the matter?"

"I'm fine, Katie. I couldn't tell you even if I wanted to." The second bell rang and the teacher came in. I sat in my seat, very perplexed by what my friend had just said to me.

The announcements came on. "Good morning Clover Valley High School students. Please stand for the pledge." I wasn't focused at all on the pledge. I was more worried about what was happening with Baylee. "As many of you know, one of our students has run away from his home and is still missing. His family believes he may have committed suicide. His name is Luke Millin. If any of you see him, please inform the authorities." I looked to my friend, who was still crying. She looked at me and nodded her head.

I froze. I felt a hot tear run down my cheek. I waited for more to come but none did. A single tear was all my body could create. The intense pain I felt inside of me allowed no more. It felt like drowning; only you couldn't die, just suffer from lack of air forever with no escape. Luke had left me. The night I told him how much he meant to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2014 ⏰

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