Fall Fest

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He was dreading this. Will hated giving speeches but one needed to be made. A speech always needed to be made athis parties.

He took a deep breth then grabbed the microphone,
"Thank you, thank you all for coming." he smiled and waited as everyone who had come stopped clapping and quieted down,
"We are here to celebrate a great season and a wonderful quarter for the business." Everyone clapped and cheered as he spoke.
He smiled and thanked a few people then handed the mike back and the music started again.
"Good job son." Mr. Tipser was an older gentleman who was a good business partner to Will. He smiled and shook his hand,
"Thank you sir." Thats how most conversations went with him. A congratulations and then some small business talk then on the next person. He occasionally said his hellos and flirtatious smiles to the woman of the party.

William Jackson was a very well known business man and bachelor. Being 6 foot 3 inches tall and well built with grass green eyes made him not only intimidating but handsome.  Crushing his opnants in the markets and having a new lady on his arm each week. Not knowing his name or who he was, was the equivalent to living under a rock.

As he wandered through the party he would take a trip every now and then to his table of food laid out. A beautiful three layer cake with white frosting and an edible twig circling it up with wonderfully painted chocolate leaves representing fall. He admired the baker even though he didn't know who he or she was. Whoever they were they were good and always delivered. The cake was always moist and tasted like heaven. The frosting was always light and tasted just sweet enough to not over due it.

He smiled and enjoyed a piece of the french vanilla cake before laying eyes on a beautiful woman. She had light brown hair that curled ever so slightly. She was slender and wearing a beautiful black gown that hugged her and brought out her curves.

Will smiled at her and made eye contact. She smiled invitingly and he walked over like a lion preying on its next meal.

After talking for awhile and a few glasses of wine he invited Julliana, the new girl he met, to the upstairs were it would be more quiet and personal.

"What a huge and lovely house you have." Julliana smiled as he placed his strong hands on her hips.
"I'll have to show you around tomorrow then." He smiled and kisses her. She gladly kissed him back,
"Most definitely." she replied and after one thing lead to another he got to show her around the next day.  

Harmony finished filling out the order forms for the next shippment. Yesterday her best client used up all of her stock which was of course but slightly agrivating.
10 pounds of flour, 10 pounds off flour and whole list of other things were written down.
Harmony opened her bakery 3 years ago and has since then been busy.
She always used her mothers secret recipe and made everything by hand with her sister-in-law Stephanie.

Stephanie was married to her brother Derek and Harmony didn't date. Ever. She was raised in a home with a loud and obnoxious father who taught Derek and Harmony that women were used to only please men. She didn't want anyone like that. She knew she wad much more than just some boy toy and her shop was proving such. Luckily for Stephanie, Derek knew better and treated her with such respect.

Nature's Harmony was the name of her bakery. She sold pastrys of all sorts and she even cooked from time to time when they had an order. Mr. Jackson, Harmony's biggest client ordered more cakes then anyone else. She didn't know him and as far as she knew he didn't know her but she was glad he bought from her. He was the reason for not just big funds for each order but also he brought in other big businesses and buyers.

Sighing and sitting in her small office after mailing the shipment order she looked at her comouter screen. She heard the bell ring as some people came in to buy things from the front or get a morning coffee, Stephanie mangaged the cashregister.
"One new email." The screen read as a notification popped up. Curiously she opened, she never got emails. Everything was ordered off the website. She opened and read,

Ms. Smith,

Thank you so much for supplying me with the wonderful food in these past two years. It has always been delicious and beautiful. I would like for you to come and meet me in person at my office. Thank you.

W. Jackson.

She stared at the screen for a solid 5 minutes. Harmony just couldn't wrap her head around it. Mr. Jackson just emailed her personally. She didn't know what to think of it. I mean she knew she couldn't meet with him but just the fact he emailed it. It probably could have been written and sent by his secratary but he was the one who ordered it most likely.

She swallowed hard and wrote her reply and sent it.

Mr. Jackson

Thank you so much. Your business with us has helped in more ways than you could think. But I'm very sorry I cannot come and meet with you. My biggest apologies.

H. Smith.

She sent it and closed out without giving a second thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2015 ⏰

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