Dear Diary (For My English Class)

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Dear Diary;

4:13 pm

I had school today. again. Everyday I think of a new way to get my parents to let me stay home. It's not that the kids at school are mean to me, but I just get so stressed out at school by all the work. I get distracted easily so I don't hear what were doing and fall behind.  And when I get my focus back on my work, everyone else if farther ahead than me, and I don't understand most of the time anyways.  

I felt like nobody really wanted much to do with me today. But I guess that's almost everyday. I've gotten used to hiding at lunch breaks... Being in the halls give me anxiety. Whether there's people there or not, it stresses me out. 

11:44 pm

I can't sleep, and it stresses me out. When I can't sleep I get headaches... I'm thinking about school tomorrow and how much homework I'm going to have. My dad pressures me into finishing it all and it's too much at once for me, he doesn't understand.

Goodnight, and sorry for pressing so hard on your pages with my pen. Thank you for always being here for me...

Love, Sarah 

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2013 ⏰

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