the wolves cry -paul imprint story.

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I sighed, glaring up at my new school. I've moved from Spain to La Push. Now here I was, La Push High, everyone staring at me like I just dropped from the sky. I looked down at my outfit. Blue and green superdry hoodie that was a size to big for me, black skinny jeans, and blue converse. My looks weren't that bad. Black straight hair with lighter brown highlights, which came down to my midback, clear blue eyes, hourglass figure. I wasn't that short. 5'5. I hold grudges like you just wouldn't belive. I can be a bitch. I'm not scared to break a nail, I can throw a punch. I wear heavy eye makeup, and people judge me easily. I'm spainish-amercian, so I speak American, but can speak Spainish and have a slight accent. People always seemed to complement me on my TEETH though. I know, wierd right? They were clean, but people seemed to love the fact that I ever so slightly have fangs, and all of my other teeth are equall and streight, like a sterotype vampire. Just smaller, less pointier.

I started walking towards the school, as I got closer and closer I saw more students. I was getting nervous as well, I had never met or seen them before and I was scared. As I walked through the car park heads turned I heard whispering

“It’s a new girl” or “Man she is hot” . Idiots. The girls looked at me in awe yet jealousy the boys looked at me as if they wanted to sleep with me right here right now. I started walking up the stairs, lots of boys greeting me and giving me nods and winks, girls smiled or glared. I went to the office, there was a middle aged woman with blondish hair that was greying at the roots, she wore glasses.

''Hi.'' I greeted, walking in.

''Hello there, you must be Addie Jones.'' She said kindly.


''Nice to meet you Addie. I'm Mrs.Blachette, if you ever need help come right to me'' She smiled. I smiled back, nodding. I got my schedule, rushing out quickly to find my locker, without saying thanks.

''Hi!'' A girl with round, thick, foggy glasses said to me. She had bad acne, bushy eyebrows, and fucked up plaits.

''Hey.'' I mumbled.

''I'm Skye.'' She held her hand out. I just stared at it until she awkwardly dropped it.

''I'm Addie.'' I replied, refusing to show any emotion.

''Well Addie, your looking at your new best friend.'' She winked. Someone who walked past tipped coke on the floor in front of her, so when she walked off, she slipped right over. I burst out laughing, and quickly walked off to find my locker, still chuckling.

 I started walking towards my locker,

“Um ‘scuse guys” I said trying to get past them, they parted for me and I went to my locker.

''Hey, your locker is next to mine.'' A cute boy said. He looked smaller and younger compared to the others. ''I'm Seth Clearwater.''

''Hi Seth, I'm Addie Jones.'' I smiled, offering my hand. These people looked popular, best to stick with them if I wanted friends. I noticed the hottest boy was staring at me the whole time. I grinned at him, before walking off to my class. It was hard to find, but I got there eventually. The teachers name was Mr.Mackinnon.

''Hello, you must be Addie. Take a seat next to Kim please.'' He pointed over to a girl, who was sitting alone by thr window, but turning to talk to 2 of the hotties. I took a seat next to her, and she turned to face me.

''Hi, your Lena right?'' She asked.

''Yeah. You must be Kim.'' I said. She smiled and nodded.

''This is my boyfriend Jared, and our friend Jacob.''

''Hi.'' I said to them, nodding. They nodded back.

I noticed alot of girls seemed to be jealous of Kim. They were glaring at her, and practically drooling over Jacob and Jared. I rolled my eyes.

''Your teeth are cool.'' Kim stated randomly. I laughed, running my tounge over the fangs.

''I get that alot.'' I admitted.

''Hang with us, you'll get popular. Almost everyone tries to hang with us and the other boys, and Leah, but never succed. Your like, the only exeption. Your cool.'' Kim laughed, but for some reason I saw another reason behind it.

At lunch I met the other people. Quil, Embry, Paul, Seth, Leah. They were great. Paul was funny, and acted different around me compared to everyone else. Soon a girl that Kim had told me about came over, and started flirting. I giggled.

''She only does this when theres new people in our group, as if to say 'yeah im a part of this.' when really shes not, we all hate her.'' Leah told me as Shelby hovered around like a bee.

''Hey, Shelby, meet Addie.'' Paul introduced me.

''Oh, hi.'' She offered a hand. I glared at it. She doesn't deserve my respect. She scoffed, dropping her hand. Paul laughed at me.

Soon the bell went, indicating that it was after school, and I went to my locker to get my things.

“Annoying aren’t they?” I was startled I turned around, it was Paul.

“Don’t ever do that again!” I exclaimed, he chuckled, man did he sound sexy. “Well I’m guessing they were looking at you” He shrugged “Oh come on don’t pretend you don’t know”

“Don’t know what?” He genuinely looked confused

“Those girls are obsessed with you! And every girl in the school for that matter, well except Leah and Kim”

“So are you saying you’re obsessed with me?” He had a cheeky look on his face

“Ok when did I say that?” I was digging myself a hole

“You said every girl in the school is obsessed with me except Kim and Leah, you are a girl aren’t you?”

“Well how do you know?” I joked “No I am but I am not obsessed with you I can assure you that”

“I’m hurt, are you saying I’m ugly?” He looked serious

“No, no, you are handsome don’t get me wrong it’s just-“

“Addie chill I was kidding, but now you have just admitted you think I am good looking” I raised an eyebrow

“You are SO annoying” I emphasized he smiled mischievously and I swept past him, he followed after me.

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