No Easy Matter

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Grassy plains where the out packers live, swarmed with bundles of cubs, fighting and playing. Mohatu watched from his rugged and shady den, as the cubs pounced, chased and played together in the humid horizon. Mohatu's  coat was as brown as chocolate and had hypnotising chestnut eyes. He had no one, but his parents and unborn sibling. As he would be known as a mommy's boy and as adventurous like his father the pride leader Shi.

"Hun it's lovely outside why not go and play with the other cubs" Astara questioned. Mohatu looked down at the floor playing with stones with his paws. "I don't really, exactly have anyone to play with" Astara looked over at him seeing a tear forming in his eyes "Well soon u will have a brother or sister to play with, and who said u can't make friends hmm" Mohatu looked up at his mum "I guess so" he sobbed. She grabbed Mohatu and nuzzled him. Astara cuddled him closely, after awhile he pushed her paws away then started to walk to the grass. "Here it goes" He took a steep onto the sprouting green grass.

He looked around for a cub who would be easy to make friends with, Mohatu starred at a female cub with elegant brown fur and shimmering emerald eyes, playing with a group of other female cubs. Mohatu wanted to make a good first impression so he picked up the last blooming Jacaranda.

He strolled over with the flower in is mouth, Mohatu approached her and dropped the flower onto the grass "Hello I thought this would look pretty I mean umm beautiful by your ears" he smiled. The female cub turned around and looked at the flower, then looked at Mohatu with a smile "Thank you it's beautiful" Mohatu picked up the flower and placed it between her two ears "Wow it really does suite u" Mohatu grinned. The female cub admired and smiled into Mohatu's chestnut coloured eyes "I never got your name?" Mohatu looked down at the ground "umm we'll umm my name is Mohatu" he mumbled. " Mine is Muta" Mohatu raised his head and stared into her eyes "Wow" Muta looked behind her left and right "What?" She asked. Mohatu bite his lip "Uhh I meant wow what amazing I mean beautiful eyes u have just like emeralds" Muta smiled and blushed, thank u she was about to nuzzle him when another female cub pushed her out of the way.

"Who said lions of your kind can talk, or even hang out with us." Mohatu backed up "Uhh... Uhh" he panicked "exactly no.." Muta cut in "Me I did and if u have a problem with that we'll then u ... u can go away" Muta exclaimed. The female cub turned her head "I wasn't talking to u, we can't have lions of his kind talking or playing with us in our group" She yelled. Mohatu turned away "I guess I should go then" a voice yelled "yeah" "No" Muta cried "I don't care what u say Raia, I think Mohatu is better then another male cub, in this pride so leave us alone" Muta started to walk with Mohatu. "If u walk away well I will make sure u are the runt of the pride" Muta stopped "Nock your self out" Muta kicked dirt in her face, and Raia growled then walked away. "Sorry about that " Muta comforted Mohatu. Mohatu raised his head and starred at Muta "I have to go I am sorry" Mohatu rushed back into his den, leaving Muta with no one and standing in the middle of the grassy plains. Mohatu ran past his mum and ran to his bed bursting into tears. Astara was confused so went out to find Shi.

Shi was out hunting some antelope with other male lions from the pride. Astara ran right up to where they were crouching ready to pounce, and attack. She tried not to make a sound, she crouched and creeped to Shi, but her paw hit a rock and the antelope ran away . Shi turned around with a furious face to Astara but they had to chase them anyway. Shi ran to catch the antelope but didn't conceive. One of the males looked at Shi "Wait ago Shi that might be the last food around for next week" One of the male lions growled at him. Shi looked at Astara making his way over to her, Astara looked down at the floor in fault.

"We're moving on are u coming" Shi turned around "No u go on ahead I have to talk to my mate" He ordered. The pack of male lions headed west to the lagoon hoping there would be animals drinking the water. "What was the meaning of that" He glared into her eyes, "It's Mohatu he went to play with the other cubs and came back in tears, I thought u could talk to him" Shi growled "Are u serious we may not be able to find food for weeks and u had to disturb us just for that" Shi raised his voice. "He is your son family come first I recall" Shi stared into her eyes "You don't think I know that" Astara shock her head "no it doesn't seem that way" Shi left the pack and headed to his den with anger on his face.

Astara faced the floor all the way to there den. Shi walked through the grassy plains with all the young cubs jaw dropped at the sight of him, how strong and powerful Shi is.
"Mohatu" he yelled. Mohatu stopped weeping and got from his bed to face his father. Shi looked down at his son. "Your mother told me about the cubs, what happened Mohatu" Mohatu tried not make eye contact with his father. "We'll I'm waiting" Mohatu spoke up "They said I was a different kind of lion like a outsider and it felt like I don't belong here daddy" he sulked. Astara laid in the sun back against Shi and Mohatu. Shi took Mohatu into his room and lead down with Mohatu lead right beside him. "Mohatu u do belong here, u always have and u always will" Mohatu looked up at his father with a tear rolling down his face "But daddy how come everyone thinks I am a coward or different to the pack, I want to be like u dad but I can't I just can't" Shi looked down at Mohatu and nuzzled him "U want to be like me, we'll then u just have to fight your own wars, stick up for your self, let no one tell u wrong" Mohatu nuzzled his shoulder "I guess I can always try daddy" Mohatu and Shi both looked at each over and smiled, for Shi missed out a lot on bounding time with his son and focused on Astra and the unborn cub.

Astara started to cry and squeal "Shi Shi the baby's coming!" Shi started to fall asleep "uh that's nice honey... Wait the baby's coming!" Shi ran over to Astara and so did Mohatu. Shi told him to get Drafiki the wise baboon, he has delivered a lot of cubs, in his time. Mohatu finally got Drafiki and lead him back to his den. The birth took nearly a day but the new baby cub was happy and bubbly as can be.

Astara cuddled the baby cub in her paws with Shi lead next to her. Mohatu walked over to his mom, and looked down at the cub "It's a boy Mohatu your little brother" Mohatu smiled "What's his name?" He asked. Shi and Astara looked at each over "Choyo" they both said. Mohatu made a weird face "Okay never heard that one before"


Choyo grew up healthy and strong, Choyo looked up to Mohatu as a role model. One afternoon Mohatu and Choyo played around the lagoon for hours, then Muta approached them after she came back from her trip. "Muta" Mohatu shouted and ran over Choyo followed. "It's great to see u again how was the out lands" he nuzzled her. "It was okay I mean not a lot there yeah know out lands" Choyo ran up and gave her a hug "I missed u Muta" She hugged him back "Same here"

The three cubs played around the lagoon until sunset, Astara called Mohatu and Choyo in for supper. "Coming"Mohatu yelled as he was just about to come in for supper Muta called him "Mohatu wait I have to tell u something" She looked down at the ground. Choyo turned around "Mohatu are u coming" he asked Mohatu turned to face him "Yeah in a minute u can have some of mine" "Yes" Choyo ran in to get his food.

Mohatu approached Muta and sat in front of her "Okay what is it?" Muta looked at Mohatu "I am leaving the pride my parents don't want to take any risk with the war going on and there is another pride that they have in mine" Mohatu's face dropped "Wait forever" Muta nodded her head. Mohatu went forward and nuzzled her with a tear running down his face. "Hey we will see each over again, I have to go now,I love u Mohatu" she nuzzled into him. Mohatu's face lit up as he sat on the dry grass watching her leave.

He decided to go in and get some food he walked to his den with tears flooding his face. Astara and Shi seemed confused at why Mohatu looked so upset. "Mohatu what's up" Shi questioned "Muta's gone she left to go to another pride" He started eating the Zebra. "Oh what a shame her father was a great hunter very strong" Mohatu had a bite of the zebra and no more so he went to his bed. Astara put Choyo to bed and Shi came over to Mohatu. "Son me and your mother have to go out again" Mohatu looked up at his father "Seriously" Shi nodded and Astara cut in "Yes we will be back early in the morning can u look after Choyo while we are gone" Mohatu nodded and nuzzled both of them. Astara and Shi headed for the lagoon in hope to make it back alive.

The next morning Mohatu and Choyo woke up and walked to the dead Zebra  "Breakfast" Choyo dug in. Mohatu looked around the den "Mom! Dad! Where are they" Choyo munched "I dunno" Mohatu had a dream about his parents not returning. He looked around the grassy plains no cubs were playing he seemed really confused "Choyo I going to look for mum and dad stay here" Mohatu started exploring past the large trees past the blue lagoon but when he got over a hill Mohatu wished he was dreaming now.

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