Second Chances (Poem)

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Love stories can just be a fantasy

Some may even consider it as a joke that’s corny

But this is reality and maybe I’m just lucky

That somebody like you came as God’s blessing to me

I know that I’m still young, I’m immature & I’m foolish

But I’m in love and I don’t doubt this

This is a poem about a ‘sir’ and a ‘miss’

How their love story started with a hello & ended with a kiss

I love everything about what we’ve been through

Especially the good moments, even the bad ones too

They may not be a big deal but they taught you and me

To lessen our pride and sincerely say “I’m sorry”

Those times we would just listen to music or go watch a movie

All those conversations we had over the phone

The nonsense talks and jokes, all those countless memories

Those are small things that I’ll treasure ‘til I’m old

I’ve been in love with the same person all this time

I want you to know that you cross my mind every night

Every night I pray that we’d be okay

Knowing that you’re going to love somebody else someday

Every night I pray that we’d still be like this tomorrow

That you’re here to stay and not just for me to borrow

Remembering the memories brings me such contentment though

But without you my life is filled with sorrow

I am no one special; I’m just a common girl

There are no monuments dedicated to me in this world

But to know that I’m loved by God, you, my friends and my family

I’m contented because it’s the best feeling I can ever feel for all eternity

This is a feeling that I feel at the moment

But if you would leave me again, can I accept it? I can’t…

Because you made a promise, we had an agreement

But I’ve lost you once, I think I can do it again

I don’t want to be the kind of girl crying because of a boy

Because when I realized, you only brought me joy

To hurt was never really your intention

Maybe “forever” was just an insane imagination

I never want to blame you for anything at all

You were there for me and a savior when I called

You’d stick with me through my moods whenever they’re random

You were my definition of a person that’s awesome

We were never those people who made a big deal about us

All I know is that for each other we had love, care & trust

I don’t really care if we have a label or we’re just friends,

I don’t care if this is just for fun or this is ‘til the end

God has a plan for us, I don’t quite know yet

All I know now is this is a love felt better than Romeo and Juliet’s

Am I overreacting or this is just really love

But should we keep going or should we give this up?

The word “forever” is for suckers

I’ve been fooled once & I’m not falling for it again

We’re not just friends, and at the time same we’re not lovers

My only prayer is for us to never change… amen.

For the second time, you’re going to be away

Please stay happy, even if it’s with another girl, it’s okay

I’m going to miss all the hugs, the kisses, the times when we would just unexpectedly sing and dance

And lastly I just want to thank you for giving us a second chance


BY: Vera Yael P. Miñoria :) ♥

Second Chances (Poem)Where stories live. Discover now