I Miss You

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Dear y/n,
I'm writing this knowing that you will never read this. Im just writing this for me. So I can get all my feelings out. You're my princess. I would never hurt you. You are a thing that only comes once in a life time. You can't let it slip by you. You have to cherish it forever. I wasn't going to let you go. You are beautiful. You are perfect. You are funny and laugh at my stupid jokes. I loved waking up to your face and then falling asleep to it. Your my best friends younger sister. I wanted you to be mine. Forever. I was gonna wait a couple months then make that happen. But know, I don't think that will. I hope you don't move on. I won't. Your my perfect match. I love you with all my heart. I always will. I miss cuddling up next to you. I miss prank calling our friends. I miss bopping the top of your head then you would try to touch the top of mine. You never could. I miss taking stupid pictures with you. I miss the funny faces you would make. But to me you always looked perfect. You would worry about how you looked. But you always looked stunning. We can't talk anymore because your brother won't let me. I don't want him to get mad at me. I love you. I really do.

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