100 truths

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1. Real Name: Tiffany
2. Nickname: I have many; Tiff, Tiff-tiff, sniff-a-tiff (I have weird friends), fix-a-tiff (blaming my friends), tniff (again, friends), tiff-na (I need to get new friends don't I? Lol)
3. Favorite color: Either blur or red or green. It changes with the day and my mood.
4. Male/female: Female
5. Elementary school: Lowes
6. Middle school: Graves middle
7. High school: Graves High
8. College: MSU
9. Hair: brown, to my mid-back, super curly!
10. Tall or short: Short, of course
11. Sweat pants or jeans: Depends on the day, but mostly jeans
12. Phone or camera: Phone
13. Health freak: Not really
14. Oranges or apples: Depends on if I am eating the actual fruit, then apple. If it's the flavor, orange.
15. Do you have a crush on someone? No
16. Guy or girl friends: I've had both, but I preffered my guy friends
17. Piercings? Both of my ears are pierced with 1 hole each
18. Pepsi or coke? I font drink and soda, so I'd say water! (that's all I really drink)
19. Ever been on an airplane? No
22. Been in a relationship? No
21. Been in a car accident? No
22. Been in a fist fight? No
23. Best friend? My mom
24. First award? When I played soccer in preschool
25. First crush: Trevor something... It was in elementary school
26. First word: Not sure
27. Talents: I write with my left hand, but I do most other things with my right hand, if that's a talent
28. Last person I talked to: My mom
29. Last person I texted: My mom
30. Last person I watched a movie with: My mom (I do everything with her lol)
31. Last thing I ate: Pepperoni hot pockets
32. Last movie/show I watched: Currently watching America's Got Talent
33. Last song I listened to: Not sure, but I think it was Crash and Burn by Thomas Rhett
34. Last thing I bought: Workout tank top and spandex shorts
35. Last person I hugged: My brother I think?
36. Food: Pasta!
37. Drink: Water, obviously from the previous comment
38. Bottoms: Skinny jeans (actually jeggings)
39. Flowers: Either March flowers or daisies
40. Animals: dogs, cats, and foxes
41. Color: This question has been asked, so go see Q 3 to see the answer
42. Movie: That's tough... Probably Red
43. Subject: Math, until I got into college. Or P.E.
Have I Ever
44. Fallen in love: No
45. Celebrated Halloween? Yep
46. Ever been broken hearted? Nope
47. Went over text? No clue what this means...
48. Has someone liked me? I guess. He always told me I was beautiful and just a wonderful person
49. Hated how someone changed? Yes
50. Got pregnant? Nope
51. Had an abortion? No
52. Did something I regret? Not that I remember...
53. Broken a promise? Not that I know of
54. Kept a secret? Yes
55. Pretend to be happy? Sure have
56. Met someone who changed my life? Nope
57. Left the country? No
58. Pretend to be sick? No
59. Tried something I thought I wouldn't like, but then did? Peanut butter and jelly
60. Cried over the silliest thing? I wouldn't call a book a silly thing...
61. Ran 1 mile? All the time for volleyball
62. Gone to the beach with friend? No
63. Gotten into an argument with a friend? Yeah
64. Ever disliked someone? Sure have
65. Stayed single forever or single for 2 years after I've had a bf/gf? Not sure what this question is asking
66. Eating: Nothing
67. Drinking: Water
68. Listening to: The TV
69. Sitting or laying down? Sitting
70. Plans for the day: Go to bed in a few hours
71. Waiting for: That one special guy
72. Want kids? Some day
73. Get married? Yep!
74. Want to travel? The entire world!
In a partner
75. Lips or eyes? I think this means which do I look at first maybe? So eyes
76. Shorter or taller? Taller than me, which is basically everyone
77. Older or younger? Either my age or older by a few years. No more than 4
78. Romantic or spontaneous? Both
79. Troublemaker or hesitant? Troublemaker with a little hesitancy
80. Hook up or relationship? Relationship
81. Looks or personality? Both
Have I Ever (Part 2)
82. Lost glasses: Can't lose what you've never had
83. Snuck out of the house? No
84. Held a gun or knife in self defence? No
85. Killed someone? No
86. Broken someone's heart? Not that I know of
87. Ever been in love? No
88. Ever broken a bone? Nope!
89. Cried when someone died? Yep
Believe In
90. Myself? Depends on what it is the I have to believe in myself for, if that makes sense
91. Miracles: Of course
92. Love at first sight? Yeah
93. Heaven? Of course
94. Santa Claus: Up until I was 12 or so
95. Aliens? Not sure
96. Ghost/angels? Absolutely
97. Is there someone I wish I was with now? My future husband and future best friends
98. Do you know who your real friends are? No
99. Do I believ in God? Absolutely
100. Post this as 100 truths


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