"Quinn, honey?" My mum calls from downstairs "Breakfast! And hurry! You don't want to miss your first day of school!"
I rush down the stairs with my black and white bookbag slung over my shoulder. "You wanna bet I dont?" I joke to her "Thank you, mum. I'll be at Carter's after school, " I tell her as a close the front door behind me.
I walk down the driveway a bit and get into my car. Damn, I love this car. I've had it since I was fifteen. I got her as a present for passing my driver's test. She's a smooth black 1967 Chevy Impala- my dream car ever since I was 10.
I start the engine and drive off towards the high school. "Last year," I say to myself "and then college!" I giggle in excitement. I've wanted to go to Stanford for a few years now, and just last month I sent in an application form, so I should be getting a letter back sometime this week.
During my day dreaming, I found myself in the school parking lot. I picked the spot as close as I could get, and hopped out and grabbed my bag from the passenger seat. I stumble backwards and feel myself being caught by a stranger.
"Oh, my god. I'm so-" I cut myself off when I turn around and catch myself staring into a very attractive face.
"I'm so sorry! I just- ugh, I'm Quinn." I tell him.
"L-Leo, I'm Leo " The boy chokes out. His voice sounds pretty feminine, no bother. "Sorry to be weird, I just didn't want you to fall."
"Ha, never had that said to me before." I mutter and I look down at my worn-down black combat boots.
"Well," He pauses and kicks my shoe with the toe of his shoe "I can't remember a time that I've ever said that" He chuckles and I look up at him, lost in his eyes.
"Could I walk with you to class?" He offers."Yeah, sure. Um, do you know where this teacher is?" I ask as I point to a teacher's name on my class schedule. "This is a new school for me."
"Of course,"
We walk next to eachother talking about random television shows and found ourselves near the door of my classroom by the time my favourite show came into the conversation.
"So, " He starts "since we were cut off so upbruptly, would you like to talk more at lunch?"
"Yeah, being that you're the only person I know in this school, and you like all of the same things I do" we laugh a bit and I tell him goodbye.
I sit down at the desk that I chose, the desk in the back corner- far away from the teacher -it's not that I don't like the teacher, it's just me being antisocial on the first day and so I can text Leo. Yes- I already have his phone number. Shut up.
Anyway, I reach for my phone in my bookbag and as discreetly as possible, text Leo.
Me- Leooooooooo
Leo- Yes, Quinn?
Me- I don't like it ;-;
Leo- Me neither. But you'll have to stick it out until lunch so we can talk lmao
"Hey, Ross" the teacher calls by my last name, ugh. "Off your phone, alright? Your boyfriend can wait." He jokes.
"B-boyfriend? I- He's not my-"
The teacher cuts me off
"Hey, I was joking. And I don't care that you're on your phone, except the part where you need to listen to what I'm telling you right now. Okay?" He does a sarcastic smirk at me and continues "I want to get along with you this year. You seem like a good kid.""Um, alrighty then." I whisper to myself. I mean, it's not like I could say it to anyone else. For one, I'm in the back corner of the room, and two, I'm wearing lots of black (as usual) so they probably think I'm the antichrist. I'm used to it I guess, at my last school I got an antipossesion sticker thrown at me. Wtf? I don't know.
My classes passed like a breeze and I finally made my way to the door of the classroom greeted by Leo.
He looks into my eyes and says "I figured you needed a tour guide for today," He smiles and motions me to walk next to him.
"Um, Leo, the crowd is going that way" I point behind me at the crowd of odorous teenagers and teachers.
"We're taking a little detour." He replies and takes my hand and yanks my arm as he starts to run down what seems is the freshman hallway. I run next to him, still holding his hand, passing classrooms and dodging custodians.
"Leo! Slow down! What are you, a marathon runner?" I ask sarcastically as I let go of his hand and place both of my hands on my knees and sit on the floor.
"Yes, actually. Are you okay? I really want to show you something."
"Yeah, I'm fine I guess." I say as I get up from the marble floor and dust off the dirt on my ass.
"I could've done that for you, " Leo mutters, just loud enough that I could hear.
"Hey, watch it. I've known you for three hours dude," I joke to him as I point to his nose.
"Whatever, you dork. Let's go" He says and he grabs my hand once more, running to some mystery place, me running next to him. We had almost gotten all the way up the stairs before my best friend, Carter, shouts "OTP!" and points to Leo and I.
"Hey!" I shout back "Shut it!"
Leo finally led me to the roof of the school, where you could see all of the surrounding area. I looked down to the courtyard at all of the freshman doing classwork, and Leo does the same.
Wow, kind of uneventful. But I guess if he wanted me up here so badly, it's probably important.
"Hey, Quinn?"
"Can I tell you something?" He asks. And I get a little nervous
*fucking time skip because I don't know what he should say so just use your imagination*
We walked down to the cafeteria and got in line for food. Surprisingly, the food wasn't half bad.
"Hey Leo"
"Yes, Quinn?"
"This food is actually kind of good. Do they make it?"
"Ha, ha, Quinn. Funny joke. No, but they order it from like Sam's Club or some shit." He laughs at his remark.
We ate lunch and dumped our leftover trash into the big garbage bins and sat back down at our seats.
*time skip*
The last bell rang, so I went to my locker and grabbed my bag. I closed my locker and turned around to Leo with his arms open. I give him a hug and he asks,
"So, how was your first day?""Eh," I roll my eyes "I dunno."
"Well, sounds like a good answer to me." He remarks sarcastically and smiles at me.
"I'll see you tomorrow," I smile at him one lasts time.
"See you, you dork."