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Charlie wasn't anything special. 

He knew that he was a no one,  

until this girl Micah came along.

Micah made him hold his head up high, 

made him learn to fight. 

Charlie almost made it through. 

until that one night.

They came up to Charlie and said, 

"Hold on boy, her car lost control," 

He tried to hold to them words, 

as he drew in a breath. 

"She might not make it past nine." 

He couldn't hold it, couldn't breathe, 

he even sunk to his knees.

Charlie knew he was a no one,  

all of the kids use to make fun. 

He knew he never would be someone, 

he was just a little no one.

Micah use to make him release  

all the pain hid inside,  

'till that one ugly night.

Charlie had lost control. 

He drove to the hospitial out of control. 

He yelled for her as if it was his last time, 

to ever really say goodbye.

But when he got close, 

what he saw was quite a sight. 

He saw his MIcah, alright, 

but what was on her wrist was not expected.

As Charlie drew close he saw the oh so fimilar face, the one no one could ever replace. 

He grabbed her hand and gave it one las kiss, 

turned it over and scrawled across her wrist, 

he read what she had wrote.

"Charlie, thank you for all those nights, 

the ones where we would hold eachother tight, 

laugh and love 'till morning drew in 

even the ones where we use to fight. 

Charlie, you taught me to fight 

all the demons inside 

I learned to love and make it last, 

you even ignored my hectic past. 

Charlie, I know you don't see that you are really are my king. 

I know you wish I could stay, but there was no avoiding this day, 

Charlie, you taught me to love 

taught me to fight, 

even to hold my head up real high. 

I know you say that I saved you 

but in reality you daved me too,"

"Now baby here's your chance to 

show them how we do. 

Keep your head up high,  

show them that you will fight. 

I hope you know I love you, too. 

Thanks for making them demons fade. 

I always remember those days, 

the ones where I saw your shinning face. 

Forever Yours, 

Micah Grace.<3"

That's when he really broke down, 

his face would be forever a frown. 

Charlie knew what he must do, 

he couldn't just let it end. 

He hugged her and kissed her face.

Charlie knew he was a no one, 

nothing special. 

But tonight he was sick of all the fight. 

He picked up the gun, 

he knew it was right to run. 

He never wanted to loose his place in her heart.

Charlie held the gun tight, and pointed it to his chest, 

the last word he ever said, 

"Honey, you taught me love, 

yes, you did teach me that, 

but without you I could never last. 

See here's the ring, 

I hoped yo have asked you tonight. 

I knew you would have said I do. 

Now you'll never have the chance, 

but meet me in Heaven won't you, babe? 

We'll spend the rest of our lifes kissing and hugging 'till morn' draws in, 

not down her, but amongst our friends. 

Don't worry, babe, here I come 

will you marry me once this is all done?"

Everyone thought that  

Charlie was a great guy, 

they never really thought much untill that night. 

They didn't realize words could hurt, 

that Charlie really did cry.

Charlie thought he was a no on, 

but as a matter of fact, 

he was the exact opposite of that, 

especially to me.

You see, Charlie didn't know about me. 

Micah was on her way that last day to tell him that, 

he was a soon to be dad. 

They couldn't save momma, but they did save me

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