beauty? What is the word? When a person who you have loved for so long loses feelings for you, after promising to never let you go. What is love? The promise to be there for each other, no matter what happens. To care for each other through all the pain that you endure. Through all the crying and laughter. Through ever little piece of future that you hold in your mind that you hope to spread to the world. What about when you lose the feeling of hope, of love, and living. When you know that only one person can save you, but you realize that they don’t care about you anymore. They’ve gotten over you, are living their own life without you. When you lose someone you love, you don’t feel like living anymore, when someone breaks your trust, their promise, the love, you shut down. Being fueled by doubt and a fire for passion, you lose your mind and soon end up dying. I don’t believe in beauty, or hope, or faith…. But love… when you get the feeling of love…. You will know… and when someone breaks that feeling, you feel like you deserve it, and you’re gone. In a puff of smoke and ashes, away with the fire