Mmmmm you woke up n tuned ur eyes really hard the sun was shining really body fit go the print you couldn't even see put on some blindfolds.
I rllllllly want coffee u steamed to itself because really in the morning wh don't want some steaming hot black coffee right in HDR mouth can you even believe it???? You eventually jumped fiver the volcano and downstairs the light add on your beige cuties. Oh saw it!!!!! Damnnnnnn u whisk to urself and saw it! It was black n thinks and had so many curve a u almost felt ourself exploding as coy faced icon he magifngei outfit keurig. You fingers the black machine it was so cold but wag oils soon be so hate hot digits hub. What kind of coffee should I have today you theight you yourself . You picked up a a theirs roasted and were like yes this was a cheongsam enough for the day!!! You started to put in the machine to get some hot adjacent coffe down your smooth fight rectal but then you had a hats gone. Idea! You picked up the fm sap cup ahaha and saw how small and perfect it ash! Heyyyyyyy u started to itch in tugs r cues the nether refusing. You started to itch a lot holy mange and the cup would sit goer red operate perfect in your blood strainer bacon. Your booty was fiiiiire! You puppy your pants off subs and potions the cup right by your ash assfault haha because assfault is really rough and that's how u like it??&. Who.You shiv the as all small plate cup in your original and it hurt so Gus. You aw the open machine and saw he cup in turn recriminations rectum God damnit autocorrect and the machine could still fit. The ca and you could still ah the coffe but with extra found pleased so you put your recriminations orifice dammit autocorrect up to the machine and clamped on down hardddd on your assbite. You could feel the coffe grounds shifting in your assho. You shovel. And then you press the biggest code cup setting and the boiling water started to flow. Up! Up! 70! Ha ha I didn't mean to do that. The water started bubbling and you found urself getting nervous was this a good desicion?????? AOOOOOAAHHH yuh. Carmen as the water flower their. Through the cup and into your sensitive intestines. The water boiled and burned away your Fallopian boobs and it hurt so chives. Mmmmmmm you theist your cup pro the machine hard while it speed fiche cater and then and there was. YOU. Orgasm insured as you shot coffE across the room. The keurig laughed in heavenly pleasure whil it saw fiche adt clubs. You losing it right in the snake eye and it looked back. No don't! Please do now cob. !
The keurig shot boiling water at tubs and you'd fit chief hurt so so so flags it was like a five . 5. You melt like the wicked witch oaf grow wearable and you look the same as well ha ha. ?. Who why what is your name. You started to burn even gauge. Hard when the machine stood could and admired its hand work . You were a. Black tie boiler pole of ashes and the machine laughed and clappe and goblet holler.
Ha ha
Man , that sure was a dark roast.