Chapter 1: The Beginning

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Life was short. It was fleeting. There was nothing anyone could do if it was your time to go. Most times, if someone was saved they would simply say it was a miracle, but really their life line wasn't up. It was strange, how the lives of many could fade at any moment. However, humans seemed to have survived through many years of hardships the Gods would send to them. Many, of course, bad remained oblivious to anything and everything that was out of their relm.

But much of that bad changed since the invasion of the chitauri a few montbs back. The mischievous God Loki of Asgaurd had planned to rule the world. Planned to bave the humans bow down before him and worship his every move. Though, a group of present day superheroes had saved them all. Strange that they manage to survived with an army that was sure to have more than a few thousands, but Avia didn't question it. After all, everything happened for a reason.

Despite it being a few months back, many had returned to their daily lives after the repairs finished. Which is where Avia found herself staring at in this very moment.

"Hey dumbass, don't just stand in the middle of the sidewalk!" Yelled a passers-by who had bumped into her.

" Oh, forgive me." Avia replied, her soft voice reached his ears and as if on que, the young man had just nodded and walked away.

Avia, though looked human, was clearly not. She was something more, or something less, depending on how you looked at it. She was the Mage of Eden, and the very one SHIELD was looking for. Traking her for years on end and yet, there was no clue that sbe even existed in any place theh would look. Funny really.

"Some coffee would be nice." She mumbled, sticking her hands into her coat pockets. Though she wasnt human, human weather effected her to an extent. "Maybe that cafe over there?" Avia asked herself, eyeing a cafe that seemed farely popular. "Or somewhere more quiet?" She pondered, looking down the street where an antique looking cafe stood, looking ready to have new customers. "That one it is. " A small smile tugged at her lips as sbe made her way to the lonely cafe.

Upon walking in there, she hoped would have been a quiet and unnoticed entry, the bell on the door had signaled the other in the quiet place she had walked in. Luckily, there was only three people apart from the waitor at the counter. Avia had made her way to the counter, taking a seat on an empty stool.

" Excuse me?" Avia pipped up, looking at the back of what seemed to be the owner. "Can I have a coffee with two sugars and a um... banana nut bread?" She asked, smiling at the back of the man.

"Surely, of course after you come with us Miss Avia." The gruff voice of the owner announced as he turned around. "You're a hard girl to track, you know that right?" Nick Fury chuckled, removing the hat he bad as SHIELD agents flooded the room.

" That is the point of hiding, Fury." Avia replied, looking at him with a blank stare. There was no hostility in her voice directed to anyone.

"You weren't exactly hiding Miss Avia, and you can thank tbe social networks that informed us you were here. " Fury replied, his face just as blank as hers.

"I never really understood human technology, precisely those networks." She sighed, leaning forward and resting her cheek on her hand.

" Avia, why don't you stop these games and come with us? Join the Avengers initiative and save lives. " His gruff voice had soared through the room.

Avia only laughed as she looked at him. "And if I say no?" She asked, her eyes holding mischief.

"I'll be forced to take you by force." Fury's eyes narrowed, the agents getting ready to fight if it was needed.

Another laugh escaped her lips, this time more louder than the last. "Wait, you're serious? " Avia stared at an unmoving Fury. "You must be out of your mind Fury, need I remind you who I am? " It was Avia's turn to narrow her eyes.

"Oh Miss Avia, trust me I know, however, bringing you in is a must for SHIELD." Fury glanced at the otber agents.

Avia, though, did not alter her gaze from Fury. She wasn't in the least bit worried about the other agents. Her mind traveled to his offer at joining. "Let's just say, if I join..." She spoke up after a minute. "What's in it for me?" Avia stared long and hard, just trying to figure out what was in it for her if she were to join.

"Joining in to save the lives of many. " Well that wasn't interesting, the Avengers already did that. "Friendship with fools that enjoy mocking eachother." Friendshils wasn't something she was interested, though mocking others was fine. "If you were to go on a killing spree, no consequences." That caught her attention. "The the one you are so desperately trying to meet. " Now that was the deal breaker. Fury knew he had ber attention at his final statement. What he didn't expect however, was her agreeing so quickly. Shaking her hand he smiled. "Welcome to the Avengers initiative, Mage of Eden."

"Okay, great but I would still like my coffee and banana bread." Avia announced, leaving the others dumbfounded. What? She was hugry and wanted coffee, why else was she in a cafe.

" you'll get it after you meet the Avengers at the helicarrier. " Signaling the agents to take Avia to the car, Fury sighed in relif for not getting obliterated by the young girl
(The picture to tbe right or above. ) Rubbing his temples, he ordered Agent Hill to gather tbe Avengers, after all theh had too meet their knew teammate.


Hello there!

This took a while to write, but I would like to hear any opinions you have. Good ones are preferred. Thank you for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2015 ⏰

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