Airport Fun

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hello to whoever decided to spent their time reading my story, I really appreciate that.

(y/c) stands for your country (since i'm from germany which probably won't be too relatable to you lot reading this story.

btw I want to apologize for any major spelling mistakes or bad english since i'm (as i already said) german.


(Y/N)'s p.o.v.:
„MAMA WE ALL GO TO HELL! MAMA WE ALL GO TO HELL! I'M WRITING THIS LETTER AND WISHING YOU WELL. MAMA WE ALL GO TO HELL" Gerard Way screams through my earphones and I am resisting the urge to scream along due to the circumstances that I am just checking into Heathrow Airport and I don't want to draw attention to myself.

ugh i don't wanna go back to (y/c)! I think to myself. Why do I need to go to school anyways?! In 5 years I won't know a single thing besides counting from 1 to 10 and some other minor stuff I learnt in school I already got rid off my suitcase and am now on my way to my gate. I have to ask about 3 people until I finally reach it, since I have the orientation skills of a dead worm. I find my gate 1 ½ hours before my flight takes off so I decide to get myself some McDonald's and sit down.

„HONEY IF YOU STAY I'LL BE FORGIVING, NOTHING YOU CAN SAY CAN STOP ME GOING HOME!" and suddenly my earphones turn silent. I start counting down from 90 but at about 45 a song starts to play. Now that's strange... that's not even "Blood", or Gee... what the hell?! „WELL THEY ENCOURAGE YOUR COMPLETE COOPERATION" your earphones break your train of thought wait if the music doesn't come from my phone, where does it come from? I decide to follow the sound and after 5 minutes of wandering around the airport cluelessly I finally find the source of the music. I don't trust my eyes as I see Patrick Stump and the rest of Fall Out Boy casually performing on the freakin airport. WHAT THE HELL?! Fall out Boy have a bloody suprise show while I'm here?! This must be heaven! I pinch myself (just in case.. :D)

When the show is over they stay a while to talk to some fans and take pictures. I want to talk to Patrick so badly, but I'm way to shy. And oh my god he's legit f-cking tiny :D not that I can talk I'm only 1,63m (which is 5'3 or something btw). Oh god I don't even wanna know what I look like right now. OMG he's looking at me x.x HAVE I BEEN STARING AT HIM THE WHOLE TIME?! oh god (y/n) why are you so freaking awkward x.x OH NO! IS HE WALKING TOWARDS ME?! ... (y/n) just keep your cool and don't fangirl you can do it!

"Hey, there! Are you okay?" he asks. "think so.." I mumble. "Sorry could you speak up a bit? I didn't catch that, it's quite noisy here" he says apologetically. i blush oh yeah great job (y/n) -facepalms myself mentally- that was a simple question and you couldn't manage to answer it properly. "I'm fine" i start again, "No actually, I'm not, I'm quite happy to be honest!" I say and I'm pretty proud to have said a proper sentence loud enough for him to hear me. "That's great" he laughes. "And you know what? I'm probably even happier than you are, because I just found someone who is smaller than me" I pout."So what's your name?" he asks. "(y/n)" "(y/n)? That's a lovely name. So (y/n) are you travelling alone or is there a boyfriend?" he asks. "haha, funny. I don't have a boyfriend, who would date this" I point at the mess that people call my face. forever alone.
"What are you talking about, eh? To me you are actually quite pretty" "Yeah whatever.." I say. "But you must have a crush on someone, right?" "Hey could you stop being so freaking nosy? Why would I tell you, we have just met?" I ask him. "Because I'm lovely and trustworthy, and I wanna know" he says doing a puppy face. "Well tbh, I have a crush on Dan Howell, but I don't think that counts." "Hmm actually... it does! Having a crush on a youtuber is a crush nonetheless" Patrick says pulling out his phone, "And you know what? I guess I could actually help you with that" he grins. "NO!" I scream eying his phone, "you can't just call people -especially famous youtube stars - and expect them to go on a date with such a creepy thing as an awkward fangirl who can't even handle her own life."
"You sure?" he asks scrolling through the contact list on his phone with a grin on his face. are you f-cking kidding me?! I try to grab his phone and he raises his hand so I can't get it. after about 2 minutes of jumping up and down to get his f-ching phone, I give up. "pff fine call him, but I'm not gonna talk to him" "whatever floats your boat" Patrick retorts, putting his phone to his ear. "Oh hey dan."..."I'm fine, thanks."..."haha, you know what's funny?"..."I'm at the airport and there's this lovely girl who kinda has a crush on you and I was wondering if you might want to meet her"..."No, no don't worry she's not creepy at all, she's pretty chill actually"..."uhm.. does this weekend sound good to you"..."great, I'll tell her, bye!" he turns to me with the brightest smile on his face. "See? I basically just called a youtube star to meet a fangirl and he said yes. That's 10 points for Gryffindor, oh yes!" he laughs. omg , what is this day? first a suprise fob show on the airport and now I'm having a "date kinda thing" with dan howell. wait... the airport... I'M AT THE AIRPORT!

I quickly run to one of those boards that hang everywhere in the airport that tell when your flight takes of. "SH#T!!" I cry. I just f-cking missed my flight -.- "What's wrong?" a concerned Patrick Stump asks from behind me. "What'chu think, eh? We're on a f-cking airport, so what could possibly be wrong?" "Oh no.." he whispers concern in his eyes. I sigh "Well I didn't wanna go home anyway" I joke. "Oh my god I'm SO so sorry (y/n) I truly am!" he says. "I didn't mean to-" "It's okay", I say. "I'll find myself somewhere to sleep." "I'll pay" he says. "I'm the reason that you've missed your flight, so I'll pay your hotel." he says matter-of-factly. "Patrick I don't need to stay in a hotel, a motel is totally fine. London is f-cking expensive" I tell him. "I do have some money you know" he laughs at me."But you really don't need -" "I want to, okay?... and OH GOD! I'm such an idiot.. when I set up this "date" with you and dan I didn't even think about you leaving London. So you kinda have to stay until the weekend anyways." "GOSH you twat" I say and punsh him on the shoulder playfully.

SOOOOO... what do you guys think?? should I continue this story kinda thing or is it crap. Please give me some feedback. :)

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