Behind Closed Doors

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Cassidy's alarm went off sounding the start of another day. She sat up and stared into space until she was able to wake up enough to walk to the shower. The shower was cold at first to wake her up, then hot enough to make the shower worth it. After the shower she threw some clothes on and drove to school. The parking lot was crowded with cars as usual. Cassidy shrugged her shoulders and walked in.
Papers were scattered every where, the halls were empty, and lights flickered on and off. Cassidy heard footsteps from afar but couldn't see anything. She hid being a locker bay. A soon as she ducked down something grabbed her from behind, she tried to scream but the mysterious guy covered her mouth before he could speak. Cassidy could feel a gun going into her side. He whispered into her ear "You're not going to die. I'm just going to know every little thing you do. Every breath you take, every step you take, if you try to contact anybody I'll know. You can't slip my radar. I'm always watching you." Cassidy shuddered, the words went right threw her. Cassidy felt her side heat up and go numb. He shot her... the bullet didn't go through it stayed lodged in her side she tried screaming in agony, but the male still wouldn't let her go. Finally after holding Cassidy down he let go and she fell to the ground and didn't bare to move. "Good girl." The male kept telling her. The longer she stayed the happier he was. The bell rang to go to second period. Nobody roamed the hallways, no faculty members in site. It was Cassidy and the unknown man. He whispered again "close your eyes darling" she obeyed. The male covered her face, picked her up and carried her. She felt a breeze so she knew she was outside. The male threw her into the back of a car. Cassidy was terrified and didn't know what to do. It was as if she was a deer in head lights. The were sirens in a distant and a wave of relief came over Cassidy. She was safe. The driver slammed on the breaks and pulled to the side. The sirens flew passed as if nothing was wrong. Then the driver proceeded on the same route. After what felt like a couple minutes cassidy heard the sound of sirens again. The driver turned towards them and parked. Cassidy didn't know what to think. She sat in the car for what seemed to be hours before they came and got her. She was dragged out of the car, she could feel the ground underneath her trailing behind. This is dirt... where am I? This isn't the city anymore... She was dragged and few more feet then pushed aside. There was a loud bang, then a man took off her blind fold. She was shocked at the location. Cassidy was far from home and she wasn't the only one. She jumped in pain from her side. Cassidy went to touch it and the man smacked her, "Don't touch that!" A little boy kept looking over at Cassidy shaking his head telling her not to do it, to just listen. He mouthed a few words. Listen or he will kill you.
She shook her head thanking him. The man walked away leaving her laying there in pain. The boy came over to her to comfort her.
"What's going on.?" Cassidy studded.
"I'm not sure but all I know is that whatever they shot you with is a transmitter."
"What.? So they really are watching us..? Who are they?"
"Honestly, nobody knows who they are. They all wear masks to cover their faces. But anyways I'm Noah."
"Hm. I'm Cassidy."
By then the masked men walked back over to the two of them, he just stood there watching them . Hmph. Then he walked away.
Cassidy looked around examining the place, she looked fierce with the blood running down her face ruining her "goody goody" image. Everybody at school thinks Cassidy is too good for everything since her family is rich n
Noah on the other hand, is a quiet boy who stays to himself, but has tons of knowledge. Noah continued to talk to Cassidy about what he thought was going on.
"These transmitters, they aren't ordinary ones. They alert the system when you're on an electronic device, going past a certain distance, thinking the wrong thing, and it even alerts about your health... it seems like you only have one?" Cassidy looked at Noah in awe when he was explaining all this. This place seemed like some sort of child labor camp. Cassidy got up, and decided to take a look around. She turned to look at noah, "coming?" He nodded and followed.
"This place...." Noah drifted into thought. "It is not a building. We are inside of something..?"
Cassidy looked at noah like he was stupid. "How the hell do you know that?"
"Uhm.. the walls? It's rock? It's also cold.. so we are underground..?"
Cassidy just looked at Noah and kept walking examining the surroundings. Walking through the tunnels Cassidy saw thousands of kids. The kids weren't even doing anything we are all just hanging around. But one by one some of us would get carried out and not seen again. Cassidy had seen two kids get taken out. Maybe they were trying to escape...
"How long have you been here noah?"
"As long as I can remember. I don't even remember a life before this. It's like I have small memories of it. Then I forget it."
"Like a dream?" Cassidy asked puzzled
"Exactly like a dream actually..."
"Maybe the dreams are trying to tell us something..? Like a way out."
Cassidy and Noah both looked at each other then laughed.
"What is the place any ways. Why are we taken here?"
Noah looked at Cassidy with a blank stare and told her that nobody knew the reasoning of being here.
Just then the masked man came back and covered Cassidy's head with a bag. She moved about frantically until she realized it was pointless. There was a loud echoing sound of a door sliding open. The masked man pushed Cassidy down to the floor and walking away he  whispered. This is your home now.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2015 ⏰

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