Chapter 1

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Requested by pwabies

"Taemin! Time for school!" Taemin's mother called for him down stairs.

"Coming!" Taemin yelped at his mother (eomeoni).

Taemin is a 16 year old, who knows 3 different languages, can play piano, violin, guitar, and can sing. Also he's one with the ladies he would say so himself. He maybe one with the ladies but he's never dated anyone or done anything with anyone, so he's still... Well, you know.

"I'll leave first, goodbye mother." Taemin walked out the door and headed to his school (haggyo), Seoul High school of Korea. One of the most popular famous schools. It's hard to get in you need to know at least 2 different languages and have a really good talent. Seoul high school is for the talented kids, and well. Taemin fitted in perfectly.

"Yo, Taemin!" Taemin's best friend Minho walked up to him and high fived him.

"Hey Minho! What's up?" Taemin high fived him back.

"Nothing much!" Minho and Taemin walked to their locker. "I can't wait to graduate high school." Minho opened his locker.

"I know how you feel! I don't want to be here anymore, can't stand the kids here being stupid and immature." Teamin said as he threw his backpack into his locker. Minho and Taemin walked to a lunch table they sit at every morning before class starts.

Taemin and Minho are best friends they've been friends for a long time ever since Nursery (Preschool) School. They have told each other secrets for years, made truths and never broken it.

*Ding Dong.... Ding Dong*

"Whelp class is starting, I'll see you later! I'll leave first!" Taemin got up and walked to Band Class where he plays the Violin, and piano if the teacher isn't there. In band Taemin sits next to someone named Key, and he plays Flute. Key is older than Taemin and Minho and this is Key's last year of High school.

"Hello Key!" Taemin bowed with his Violin and bow in each hand and sat down.

"Hello Taemin. How is your day going?" Key removed the flute from his mouth.

"Going good so far. I haven't had any girls jumping on me or following me around yet." Taemin smiled and laughed.

"Haha. It's early so, don't give your hopes up. You lucky kid!" Taemin laughed again as Key said pointing to the girls staring threw the window and trying to get Taemin's attention.

"How am I lucky? Your are a really good looking guy! I'm surprised all the girls are going after me and not you!" Taemin said trying to cheer up Key.

"I don't know, I'm not really a women's man. But I don't care, I have my eye set on one person." Key smiled leaving no hints of who.

"Haha you should get them before they get taken." Taemin laughed.

*Ding Dong.... Ding Dong*

The bell rang again and class is now in session and the teacher came out of his office. He bowed to his class and said, "Lets start with our first song." Everyone pulled there music out and turned to the first page. Playing a beautiful Japanese song called Makoto Zaba.

About 47 minutes later and class had ended. Taemin and Key say goodbye cause they won't see each other tomorrow. Taemin headed to his next class he had which was Korean Studies. ((A/N: like how America has English Social Studies))

Taemin and Minho have Korean Studies together and sit next to each other and pass notes everyday.

"OPPA! SUNBAE! HEY OPPA!" Right as Taemin sat down a bunch of girls surrounded him.

"OMG IT'S MINHO!" Another girl yelled and more girls came screaming for Taemin and Minho. They looked at each other and thought the same thing.

"Hey beautiful, whats your name?" They asked 2 different girls in sync.

The girls answered in sync. Both Taemin and Minho got up and walked to the girls that answered them. They where standing so close to them that they both could smell their perfume. They both came closer towering the girls and whispered in there ear, and walked back to their spot. Both the girls got light headed and fell over with all the girls going over to the girls who fell and asking them questions but they didn't say anything. Taemin and Minho fist bumped and smiled.

*Ding Dong.... Ding Dong*

Class had just started and the teacher gets up from her desk. "Girls seats!" Mrs. Gyo said, she saw the girls on the floor and scowled Minho and Taemin like a hawk, but they only smiled at her. "Okay class, for the next week we will be doing a class project where you will have to present it in front of class."

Taemin and Minho looked right at each other and when they heard 'class project' and smiled at each other.

"You may choose a partner." Mrs. Gyo said and all the girls got up and ran to Taemin and Minho.

"Taemin do you want to be my partner?" They shouted at Taemin.

"Minho, please be my partner! I'll bake you cookies if you do!" The girls shouted at Minho cause Minho loves cookies! ((A/N: Like. Who doesn't!?))

"Sorry girls, I already have a partner!" They said in sync.

"Awe, who is it!?" All the girls said sadly.

"TaeHo." They said their names in sync so well that it sounded like they said TaeHo! ((A/N: ;D that's for you Abbey!!))

Sorry guys but that's all I have now. It's not fun writing when you have writers block... But I got it done right!? That's what matters to me!!

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