Chapter 1: Prologue

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Mya's p.o.v

Oh, great i have to go to school today. I seriously hate school, partly because Devon and Jacob are gonna be there. Jacob's this kid with a huge afro. He's mixed with Mexican, so he's Hispanic. He looks super hot, but he's a total jerk. Devon is Jacob's best friend. He's light skinned. He's Dominican like me, but i hate him with a Passion. They date girls for 2 weeks then dump them. I don't get why girls say yes to them when they ask them out. If it was me i would definitely say no, but then again why would they even talk to me.

I walked slowly out of bed, and into my bathroom. I took a look at myself in the mirror. My hair was really messy, my face was all red cause of pimples, i weighed at least 150 pounds. I was only 13 and i weighed as much as an adult.

I took my tooth brush and began to brush my teeth, and then went to take a warm shower. I wore my usual outfit. I put on grey sweatpants, a blue t-shirt and a black sweater. I don't bother with how i look, cause there's no one worth impressing anyway, so i usually where the first thing i find, and of course i get bullied for it.

I walked down the staircase with my book back on my back. Everyone makes fun of me cause i have this Elmo bag. My mom unfortunately has no sense in fashion what' so ever, and why would i even care.

"Morning honey", mom said giving me a short hug.

I took a seat and ate my breakfast in silence.

"Are you ok, honey? You seem kinda down lately", she asked pouring orange juice in a glass cup.

I shrugged at her question. I couldn't tell her.

I got up and walked out the door.

I walked down the sidewalk, and too my surprise Devon and Jacob were there waiting for me. I gave them a hard glare.

"What's up with the face, ugly?", Jacob said spitting out his gum into my hair.

I ignored him and kept walking.

"Hey, no need to be so rude?', he added catching up to me.

"I'm not being rude." i replied back.

"Oh, so the Fugly girl sprouted some courage", Devon laughed.

I rolled my eyes and looked away. Jacob caught my face, he squished my cheeks and laughed. He then spit in my face. I wiped it off with the sleeve of my sweater.

Devon began to walk closer towards me. I began to run, cause i knew what was coming next, but because of my short and chubby legs i wasn't able to get very far. He caught up to me pretty fast, without the exception of him being on the track team.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him. I struggled to get free, but i was trapped.

"So... you stupid girl, you decide to run, huh", he said.

"Your an idiot", he continued.

He reached for my bag and dumped everything out in search for my lunch box. He found it under a bunch of books. He walked towards a puddle in our path and dumped everything out.

"You don't need this, you need to loose a few pounds, anyway", he said.

I tried to hide my tears but it all came out. They laughed loudly, causing the attention of everyone on the street.

"What the hell are you guys doing to her?", i heard a voice yell.

I turned around and saw Jaden. He was eating a chocolate bar as he stared at me with worried eyes.

I jumped up of the floor and ran towards him. I gave him a huge hug, he hugged me back with open arms.

Jaden was my best friend, ever since he saw Devon and Jacob bully me on my first day. He was Cuban American and he was gorgeous, if he wasn't my best friend i would have a huge crush on him. He had warm carmel skin, green eyes, curly brown hair, and cute dimples. He was the most popular guy in school but ever since he started hanging out with me his popularity plumished into the ground and Jacob took his place along with Devon.

"What's your issue Jaden?", Devon asked.

"What my issue? I should ask what your issue is?", Jaden replied.

"Do you guys not have a life? Come on, are you guys really that low, that you would bully a girl cause of her looks", he continued.

I looked into his warm green eyes as he talked to Jacob and Devon. After he gave them a stern talking to i thanked him, stilling keeping in mine that it wasn't long until this all happened again. I walked to school thinking about what it would be like to be skinny and beautiful.

The school day went ok. I may be fat and ugly but i'm pretty smart. I take honors classes, my favourite class is writing. I love writing stories and poems. I've won a few contests, but i've never have the courage to go out to receive the award infront of everyone, i just get it mailed. During the day i saw Jacob here and there, both times with a different girl. I really don't get why girls would do that to themselves. I mean he's the ultimate player. His smile, his hair, his eyes they all work for him.

I walked down the street writing a poem of what i was feeling.

"I love you" was the only words i had written down, as i was about to write more i felt the book being snatched away from my grasp.

"So you love me", Jacob said with a sly smirk.

"Yah, i love you, not!", i replied to him rolling my eyes.

"What! Everyone loves me!", he said winking at me.

"Come on, you bully me", i said looking down.

"I bully you cause your ugly", he said with a quaint smile.

I coudn't take it anymore, all the constant ugly remarks, was making me furious. I pushed past him and ran home without looking back. Forgetting my writing book with all the poems i've ever written in his hands.

I walked in through the front door and sat on the couch. Mom walked and sat down beside me, with her hands in her lap. Whenever mom had her hands in her lap, it meant bad new. It's the thing she does for everything, she did that when she told me her and dad were getting a divorce. It was hard but i got over it pretty quick.

"Mya", she said letting out a sigh.

It must be some really bad news for her to use my first name. It's always either Honey or Sweetie.

"We have to move", she blurted out with her eyes closed.

My eyes practically bugged out of my head at that moment. You seriously don't know how long i've waited for mom to say that. I'm so happy right now. I never get to see Jacob and Devon again.

I jumped up, dancing around the room.

"Wow, you took that better than i expected", she said with a sigh of relief.

"More than happy", i said with a smile.

"What about Jaden?", she asked.

My smile disappeared at the thought of not having Jaden with me. He was my best friend how could i leave without him?

I sat down on the couch and thought of what to do. I finally decided on leaving without telling anyone. One day they'll just find that i'm not there anymore. This was going to hurt Jaden, but then again how did i know he actually cared about me?

And that's how i ended up leaving. Looking for a new life and a start.


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