introduction .

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i will like to point out that this story is entirely fictional meaning it is fully made up and the actual Harry Styles would never behave like the fictional character in this story

warning : this story contains physical, verbal, domestic and sexual abuse, this story is only for a mature audience comfortable with such content. please do not continue reading if you are sensitive to such abuse.

sadistic personality disorder; is a personality disorder diagnosis involving sadism

sadism; the tendency to derive pleasure, especially sexual gratification, from inflicting pain, suffering, or humiliation on others: (in general use) deliberate cruelty.


Name : Harold Edward Styles
Age : 24
Nationality : English
Diagnosed in : 1997
Born : February 1st, 1991
Medication/Treatment : therapy


I was read the file out loud along with about 7 or 8 of my classmates in the cool air conditioned hallway of an old brick building.

The only voice being heard was Aubrey, a middle aged woman with dark brown hair that flowed over her shoulders gracefully. Her eyes a dark blue; and her teeth perfectly aligned in her mouth.

She continued to speak about the patients that were victims of mental disorders, and how me and the rest of my classmates would have a chance to interview each of them individually.

"This will be an easy fulfillment of your internships." She spoke briefly, "Each interview should take about 15 to 25 minutes. Nothing less."

I sighed, tightening my white sweater around me tighter. An internship was required for me to pass my senior year in high school and considering Aubrey was the counselor, It would probably be the most easiest internship available to get credit for.

Aubrey James was a kind woman, and always understood if someone was struggling with a certain assignment in her literature class. A student could've done  poorly on every exam and she would still give them their full english credit.

Considering each counselor was completely responsible for rewarding us our internship credits. I wasn't hesitate at all when I signed my name under the category; Mental Disorders Experience knowing Aubrey was counseling it.

I held the thick plain peach folder in my hands, The number 315 labeled on the paper.

"The room numbers assigned to you, are inked in red on each of your folders." Aubrey's voice echoed down the soundless hall. "Even numbers on the left and Odd Numbers on the right."

The small group of us began to walk down the hall, my feet walking along the right side of the hallway, 307, 309, 311, 313.. A wooden door that was once fully covered in a dark blue paint that was slowly peeling off its edges had the metal numbers 315 nailed through the door.

I plant my hand on the door knob, twisting it and opening it slowly, the nerves in my body thumping wildly. I fake a tiny smile on my lips as my eyes land on two large men formally dressed in a blue uniform, both of their bodies were alert as they stood up firmly against the walls, ready to take action in anything went wrong. One of them motions their head to a chair that was positioned across from them. "Thank you." I speak softly and let my feet guide me to the chair.

"Good Evening." My eyes suddenly snap up to be met with lake green eyes that were narrowed in my direction.

A man is sat between the two larger men I first saw when I walked in, but him, I definitely did not notice his presence. Even though the men standing on either side of him were extremely larger than him, he was still very well built. His dark brown hair styled uniquely, his eyebrows knitted together and his lips pressed in a thin line.

"I'm sorry, I didn't seem to notice you there." I offer a small smile along with my plea and the man lets out a rough scoff. "Would you like to introduce yourself?" The words left my lips just as me and Aubrey had practiced it in her classroom.

"What's that in your hands?" The man lets his eyes leave mine for a brief moment to look down at the folder.

"Um, It's just-"

"All my information?," He glares at me as I slowly nod my head cautiously,  "Then why the hell are you asking me such a stupid question you obviously know the answer to." My mouth agapes in his rude interruption, as I clear my throat watching him roll his eyes.

"I'll introduce myself then," I spoke quietly, my cheeks a tinted pink due to embarrassment. "My name is Lucianna and I am a 17 year old senior at-"

"I know that." He snickers suddenly filled with amusement and pleasure, making me shift uncomfortably. I certainly expected the patients to be less intimidating than he was.

I awkwardly cough, "And how would you know that," I take a moment to open the folder and double check the name printed in blue ink, "Harry."

His lips twitch into a small grin, "I only agreed to do this if I could have as much information of the interviewer as she had of me." Harry adjusts his body to slip a folder from underneath him. "Lucianna Isabelle Delgado, Age," He looks up from the plain folder that was identical to the one in my hands only to pout his pink lips teasingly, "Seventeen."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2015 ⏰

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