chapter 1 the leave

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Today is the day I get to live in the mushroom kingdom I thought to myself.

Normal POV

It was a sunny evening as you stood out side waiting for the bus. You had your (F/C) suitcases next to as you felt a gentle breeze go through your (short/long) (H/C) hair. As you waited you decided to sit down on one of your suitcases. You then started to remember all the good times you had as a little girl. Running through the the grass with friends. Playing in the sprinkler with family. You even remembered the time you and your family went to (Favorite restaurant) and had a huge food fight there. You chuckled at the thought

"Those were some good times"

You saw the bus turning the corner.

"I guess it's time for me to go now" you sighed

When you boarded the bus and to your seat, you pulled out your (phone/ipod/tablet) and u listened to (F/S). You took one last look out the window to see your neighborhood one last time.

"Good bye (your hometown)" you wispered as the bus been to leave.

Hey yall this is my 1st story so please tell me if you like it. If you do like it so far you will be glad to now that I'm posting the second chapter either tomorrow or friday. OK then have a nice day

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