The Red Light in the Dark

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Footsteps pound on the metal catwalk, a quiet pop going off as a portal gun fires towards the floor. The man wielding the gun climbs the railing and jumps off, shooting to a point on a far-away wall while falling into a light blue portal. He is then flung out of the other, this one being a yellow/orange. As he lands on a platform, skidding slightly and almost falling over, he laughs, looking around!

"Hah! I did it! I really did it! Little old Wheatley did this!"

A camera place high on the wall behind Wheatley turns to him, buzzing as it adjusts.

"Please postpone your victory. You haven't even completed the test yet."

A frown works its way onto his face.

"Oh yeah."

Lifting his portal gun and shooting twice, once onto the wall near him and another to a high-up corner, Wheatley continues the test.

"Wow. I didn't actually think that you'd complete it. I was hoping that I would prove you wrong."


"You always say that you're not a moron. You're right."

"Waitwaitwait...You're complimenting me? Really?"

"No. If you'd let me finish, I would have said that you're still a moron, but a very slightly smart one."


"Especially when you get to this test..."

Wheatley gulps. He could tell that he wouldn't like it. But instead of shying away like he might have done before, he straightens up and walks through the now opened door.

"Are you still there?"

//Oh, god no, turrets.//

He thinks rapidly. This test was going to be hard.

"If you think that this test is too hard for your stupid little brain, I've thought of a solution that will support the Co-operative Testing Initiative."

Wheatley stiffens. Blue and Orange? They'd probably try to kill him. Again.

"This will include bringing a subject who is currently testing into this test, once they have finished their own. So sit tight for a moment, and maybe play with the turrets."

"Oh, yeah, of course I'll play with things that can kill me."

"You already did that once when you put me in a potato."

After thinking for a second, he shuts his mouth instead of retaliating. Looking around, he sits down on a Companion Cube, which would probably be used to block the turret's bullets. Who would his partner be? An even better question would be, who would be testing at this time of morning? To be fair, She did wake him up, claiming that everyone else, that being the cores, would be taking tests too.

"I'm different."

Laughing for a second, Wheatley shouts a reply.

"No you're bloody not mate! I know you're trying to deceive me, like those...poster things in Old Aperture said."

Grinning slightly, he looks around the chamber, trying to figure out how he and his partner would solve it. With two, it would be simple, just a portal high up on that wall, another on the ceiling there-

"I'm sure you two will get on swimmingly."

The door behind him slides open and closed, his new partner's Long Fall Boot quietly tapping on the floor as they walk. Wheatley gets up and stretches slightly before turning around to greet his partner.

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