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Hello! It's me, the author! Well, uh... At first, this was meant to be a rewritten version of my story Love Letter from, but I was like, "hey, why not turn it into something the readers can enjoy?"

With that in mind, please bear that Yamamoto's part will be nearly identical to the original story, only it will be just one chapter.

This takes place at the time Dino pretended to be a teacher in the manga. Well, technically, in a parallel universe, as all the characters need to be in one place ; u ;. So in short, everyone is in Namimori for the time period of the story, if that made any sense whatsoever... Anyways, I hope you enjoy!
"(Y/N), please answer this question." The teacher asked, pointing to the equation written on the board.

Because it was so sudden, and you hadn't been paying attention, you became flustered and had a loss for words.

"U-uhm..." You spoke quietly, face burning as all eyes turned to you.

"X equals 5." Your friend Kyoko whispered.

"U-uh... Five!" You answered. The teacher sighed and gave a wry smile to you.

"(L/N), you know, I'd really appreciate it if you didn't daydream during class." He sighed, leaning against his desk while shaking his head.

The class began to laugh amongst themselves and whispered to each other.

"Y-yes sir..." You hung your head dejectedly, sitting back in your seat.

"Sorry." Kyoko apologized, giving you a pitiful expression.

"It's fine, it wasn't your fault to begin with." You assured.

Some time had passed, and class was finally over. Lunch time finally came, and Kyoko invited you to eat. You, however, declined, as she normally went to eat with her friends. You preferred being alone; a minimum of 2 people at the very least.

The classroom was nearly empty, and it was only you and a few other girls from the class. You sat at your desk, eating the bento you had made that morning.

"Hey, have you heard? Dame-Tsuna likes Kyoko!" You overheard one girl say.

"Huh? What's with that? That's old news!" Her friend laughed.

"Poor Kyoko. She must hang out with that loser because she feels bad." Another girl said, causing the other two to laugh.

"That's not the only person I'm sure she feels pitiful for." One of them whispered, though, not quiet enough, because you could still hear them. They stopped talking for a while, looking at you as you quietly ate. After a few minutes, they began on another topic.

'They were definitely talking about me.' You thought, feeling a pang in your chest.

Was it true? Did Kyoko really pity you? Is that why she helped you today? Because you were put on the spot?

You pondered the thought the entire lunch period, and became quite bothered by it.

Finally, school ended, and you were packing your things.

"(Name)-chan, Tsuna-kun and the others are going to go to the shopping district to buy some presents for the Christmas party. Want to come?" The cheerful girl offered.

"Oh, I-...." You stopped yourself, remembering what those girls from earlier had said. "... No, I'm fine. I have to go home and prepare for dinner." You declined.

"Oh, is that so? That's too bad. Well, see you tomorrow then!" She exclaimed as she skipped off to the group.

As you walked home, you stared up at the sky. The clouds were a slight gray color, and the atmosphere was pretty gloomy.

"The sky is just like me." You joke sadly to yourself. "Kyoko is so lucky. She's so cute, she's smart, and she can easily talk to both girls and boys." You thought aloud. "I wish I had the same confidence as her."

You stopped in your tracks as a gust of cold wind blew through the air. The winter was really cold this year.

"That's it! I'm done being gloomy!" You declared. "If Kyoko-chan can be confident, why can't I? Ah, but where should I start? Making friends? Ah, that won't work... Ah! Then I'll tell (Character) how I feel! I guess that's a good place as any to start!"

You began to skip home.


"Mom! I have a favor to ask of you." You exclaimed, as you closed the door behind you.

"What is it, dear?" Your mother asked, as she looked up from her book.

"About my hair.... Could you...." You started, only to be cut off.

"Say no more, leave it to mama!" Your mother exclaimed happily.

Later that night, you sat in your bedroom, scribbling on a piece of paper at your desk.

"This sounds too desperate." You sighed, crumpling the paper up and tossing it into the trash bin.

You wrote another one, and another, and another. You were nearly running out of paper.

"Ahhh! Why can't I do this properly?!" You cried, pulling your (h/c) locks in frustration. "Maybe starting with friends would've been easier..." You sighed.

"Well mama thinks you can do it." Your mother smiled, leaning against the doorframe as she held a tray of tea and sweets.

"Mama!" Your face softened. Your mother always knew when to cheer you up.

"If it's someone you like, just be honest with them. Tell them how much you like them, how you fell in love with them, or what your favorite features about them are." She suggested, setting the tray down next to you. "Most importantly, just be yourself!"

"I... Okay. I'll try it. Thanks mama! You're the best!" You hug her, and she hugs you back.

"Confidence is the best key, darling. If you don't show them who you really are, they won't know what they're missing out on." She whispered, kissing your forehead.

"Un!" You smiled cutely.

"That's my girl. Now go get 'em!" She pet your head and left your room.

"Confidence...." You muttered, resting your head on the desk. "Hmmmm..." You sighed, taking a sip of the tea you loved so much. Your eyes widened in realization. "I've got it!" You exclaimed, and began to scribble once again.

About 39 minutes later, you set your pen down and held the paper up triumphantly.

"I did it! I finally did it!" You cried in happiness, hugging the pink paper to your chest carefully. "Tomorrow, I'll give it to them!"

Hello! How was it? I hope it was okay. It's just the intro, but I hope you can get the feel of your character. I know some of you aren't timid or low on confidence, but your character is based off of the character from my story, so try to bare with it.

Also, Dino is the teacher, but I didn't feel the need to introduce him as "Dino" yet. First chapter will be Yamamoto, because, well, the original story of course! Gotta show out rain guardian some love!

Till the next chapter, my lovelies!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2015 ⏰

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