Tonight in your embrace Part 1

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Yona,Hak,Yuun and the 4 dragons where walking to the next village but then suddenly it started to pour down rain so they started to run to the next village which they believed was closed by. Lucky it was and they were also able to find an inn to stay at and the inn was able to allow them to have 3 rooms since there wasn't that many customers that the inn they found. So now everyone was going to share rooms and the pairs that would share those rooms would be Keija and Zeno, then Shin-ah,Yuun and Jea-ha share the second room and the last room would be shared by Hak and Yona.

soon they were walking to their rooms and Jea-ha went next to Yona when Hak was talking to Yuun and the others about what they were going to do when the rain would finally stop.

"Yona dear...are you alright? you look a little pal" said Jea-ha

"e-eh i do?" yona touched her face as if she was surprised by his comment

" do, is there something bothering you? you seem to look pale since it started to rain"

"don't worry Jea-ha..I'm alright...i was just thinking about something but I'll be fine" replied Yona

Then she went to join the others discussion about what to do when it had stopped raining. Jea-ha didn't really believe her at first but then he thought.

" well if she says so...then there is nothing to worry about."

then Jea-ha went to join them as well. Soon everyone went to their rooms and went to dry all of their belongings as well change into newly clean dry clothes. Dinner was soon served after all of them took an indoor bath, of course the indoor baths were separated. Although Yona only ate a little bit and went straight to her room saying she wasn't really hungry and she also wasn't really feeling all that well too. Hak wanted to come along with her too but she said it wasn't need and she was just going to the room as well. The room was just a regular Japanese room with a sliding window and 1 sliding room door with the futons in the closet.

"is something wrong with the princess?" said Kija

"Hak do you know what is wrong with her?" said yuun

" i asked yona if she was alright, she said she was and i believed her but now im a little worried" said Jea-ha

But Hak just kept on eating and said "just leave her sure she be alright but for now lets keep eating and then go to sleep"

After they finished eating, everyone went back to their rooms. Hak entered his and wondered where the princess was. as he looked around, he saw that she was asleep by the window crying. Hak went closer to her and wanted to touch her face since he knew what she must feel right now the rain reminds her of the night her father was murdered before her eyes. Instead he paused and deiced to wake her up instead, he was he was afraid he might do something if he had suddenly held her in his arms and wouldn't be able to stop his actions because of his love for her.

" shouldn't sleep right here you will catch a cold if you sleep near the window" said hak

"e-eh hak? your back already? how was dinner with everyone?" asked Yona

" It was the same as always" replied Hak as he was getting the futons ready so they can both go to sleep. "Princess.. are you alright? everyone is worried since you didn't really eat that much at dinner" said Hak

" and Jea-ha asked me the same thing today. For the last time.. i'm alright!" replied Yona while pouting

"alright...alright. Here the futons are ready. Let's go to sleep now and hopefully the rain will stop in the morining" said Hak

Then they both went to sleep. Then Yona found herself walking though a hallway of hirayuu castle and then she found her father being stabbed. She starts to scream

"father!father! Hak father has!" then she turned around and saw saw Hak laying on the floor next to her. "Hak!" Soon after that she wondered where the others where then their bodies suddenly apear one after another. Then Sa-woon showed up and said...

"Yona.. i thought you would be asleep by now but it seems that you weren't"

"Sa-woon, were you the one who killed them? why? why?!" screamed Yona

Then Sa-woon swong his word at her and then she found herself in complete darkness and she felt alone, she didn't know what to do anymore and just sat there doing nothing. Then she heard peoples voices calling her and she decided to reach out to a light from where the voices where coming from.


Yona woke up surprised to see everyone around her with faces that seem as though they all have seen some kind of ghost.

"w-why is everyone here?Did something happen?"asked yona. everyone was staring at her and kija was starting to cry tears of joy

"why you ask.... we heard screaming from your room so we came to check it out because we were worried Hak had something to you but when we got here we saw Hak trying to wake you up because you were screaming and crying at the same time" said Yuun

"yona dear you mustn't do that...but did you have some kind of nightmare or something in order to make you like that?" asked Jea-ha

Yona didn't reply, Jea-ha sighed and then got up "well that matters that your all right now lets go to sleep now okay?"

She nodded her head,then looked at everyone and said "goodnight everyone, I'll be alright...I'm sorry for waking you all up" they all looked at each other and padded her on the head, then went straight to their rooms to fall back to sleep. When everyone left, Hak turned around and noticed that Yona was Crying and decided to sit next her. He wanted to pull her into his arms but he was afraid what he was going to do to her afterwards. " if i hug her...will she be alright with that? will I be able to keep my feelings from showing on my face or even surfacing?" he thought but he couldn't stand seeing her cry like this, so he grabed her hand and pulled her towards him and said......

" don't need to hide anything from me, you aren't alone; you never were, you have me,yuun and the 4 dragons with you." said Hak but Yona didn't seem to answer him due to the shock of him grabbing her but Yona wasn't really sure how she felt but all she knew was that she felt safe. Hak felt her hand tug on his shirt and decided to say more.

"princess, what kind of dream did you have? Won't you tell me?" asked Hak

"................" Yona griped harder on his shirt then said "I had a dream of that night where father was killed but it was little bit different from how it actually was........"

"what was different exactly?" Asked Hak

"................" Yona griped harder on his shirt then said "I had a dream of that night where father was killed but it was little bit different from how it actually was........"

"what was different exactly?" asked Hak

She paused before she answered " the difference was that you and the others were there and Sa-woon killed you all, then he went after me......soon afterwards i found my self wandering in the dark" said Yona while crying...................


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