@ derpmikey : hiii I don't know if you are on but I'm still losing my shit bc you replied
@ michaelgclifford : lol I am :-)) and hiii back to you. What's up?
@ derpmikey : I'm just rethinking my whole life haha, what about you?
@ michaelgclifford : at the studio again
@ derpmikey : then why are we talking? Haha
@ michaelgclifford : I think you are interesting and fun to talk to :-)
@ derpmikey : ahhhhh I'm literally freaking out omfg!!!!! Yasss Michael Gordan Clifford just said I was interesting and fun to talk to
@ michaelgclifford : haha I'm just saying the truth :-)
@ michaelgclifford : eww don't say my middle name it's gross
@ derpmikey : I think it's beautiful.....
@ derpmikey : any whale do you wanna play 20 questions?
@ michaelgclifford : yeah sure. You go first :-)
@ derpmikey : favorite color? Mine is black because it matches my soul
@ michaelgclifford : same and blue
@ michaelgclifford : what's your name ? I'm Michael
@ derpmikey : no shit Sherlock and I'm Alea :) what's your favorite animal ? Mines kittys
@ michaelgclifford : rude :-( same kittens are the loml ! And what color are your eyes ? Mine are green
@ derpmikey : brown... I wish they looked like Luke or yours though haha where did you lose your virginity? I'm still one so nowhere
@ michaelgclifford : a disabled public bathroom.... I don't like to talk about it. How old are you ? I'm 19
@ derpmikey : 18 :)) are you muke af ?
@ michaelgclifford : um yes I am who isn't ? Are you? You didn't answer and how tall are you ?
@ derpmikey : oh LOL sorry and yes I am muke is love muke is life and I'm 5'4 wby ? And what's your favorite song off the album ?
@ Michaelgclifford : sorry around 6'2 I think and that's cute you are probably so short!! Probably vapor :-) you ? And what color is your hair I'm blonde as you know haha
@ derpmikey : haha yas I do know and it's dyed black it's naturally darkish brown and over and out its the bomb! :) no It's horrible everyone is like 7ft at my school! What place do you wanna come to right now ? Like a country. I wanna go to Australia.
@ michaelgclifford : haha that's even cuter! You're adorable! :-) and USA definitely ;-)
@ derpmikey : stop with the Smiley faces win the weird creepy noses please! It's even weirder with a winkey face
@ Michaelgclifford : NEVER HAHAHAHA :-))))) :-) :-) ;-) :-/ :-* :-& :-)))))
@ derpmikey : 8==========D
@ Michaelgclifford : hey look it's my dick
@ derpmikey : nah I'm feelin Luke probably ha
@ michaelgclifford : rude. Well I gotta go now :-( talk to you later byee
Yay what do you think about that ? Haha it will get better they are just starting to get to know each other
Byee :))
group dm M.C.
Randomthis is a story of how a girl dms a boy on twitter thinking that he won't respond.