Heavenly Reincarnated

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I cried in pain as my arms flailed around helplessly trying to stop the source that was causing it. But of course, the man in front of me just laughed and grasped both wrist of mine tightly enough to restrain without inflicting any pain.  

Suddenly, the pain intensified a million times worse. It felt like a million blades were searing my skin at the same time.

Not able to contain the feeling any longer, a high pitched scream left my throat piercing through the silence. The man just chuckled and look at me pityingly before giving a one sided smirk and bolted off as fast as lightning leaving me to deal with his deeds.

I crumbled to the ground with a hard 'thud', not able to hold my own weight. When the man was holding me, he was supporting most of my weight- if not all.

I suddenly felt dizzy and blots of black started appearing. My head spun and my eyelids dropped, engulfing me in darkness. I welcome it, as the pain was too much for me to bear.

A second later, my eyelids fluttered open. The pain was no longer there. It was a miraculous sleep I thought. With the pain gone, it left my mind to focus on something else. I was a little awestruck as I marvel at the scenary before me. Everything looks the same as before I was attacked but slightly different. 

'How could this be?', my mind asked curiously. Every single detail looked sharper, finer and brighter. It was as if I was a new-born inhaling the world around me.

Sniffing around, I realised that not only my sense of sight got sharper, but my sense of smell as well. The air smelled of refreshing smell of pine with a hint of woodsy smell of tree barks. The smell of the nearby lake was lacing the air mixed with the sweet smell of water lilies.

I then walked off towards the smell of the lake. The lake has always been a favourite spot of mine. It was something I rarely do anymore- putting it close to my heart. The lake usually helped me to calm don, putting my soul at ease and escape my orphaned life when needed.

Suddenly my nose twitched, perking up to the new smell that was wafting towards me. It was the smell of iron mixed with salt and a hint of something intoxicating. The smell of it was somehow familiar though I could not put my finger to it.

My mind was filled with nothing but that intoxicating smell. Everything sensible was thrown off from my brain while I dashed off following that scent blindly.

Hot liquid was flowing down my throat, satisfying my unknown hunger. Sudden energy burst through my veins. Once the liquid was finished, I stood up and wiped my mouth clean from the mess. A large burp escaped my mouth, just telling me how full I was.

As I stood up, I staggered in horror at the sight before me. 'What was happening? No...' my mind scream as a million thoughts took over my mind and none were pleasant. I then took off from the horror of my crimes and all I could think of was, 'Did I do that? What was happening to me? That isn't me!'

I was just so confused as I ran through the trees. My mind kept on flicking through the stream of possibilities, I kept asking millions of questions while my heart kep defending me. It was a little to much to take in and as every seconds passed, I got more confused and depressed with the scene before.

Not surprisingly, I found myself in front of the lake. I let go of my weight and fell to the ground. The ground shook lightly and as I stood up wondering what caused the light shaking of the earth, I saw the imprint of a butt on the exact same spot of where I had sat before. That was definitely not there before.

What made it weirder was that it was my butt imprint because the floral designs on the imprint was exactly the same one as the one on my jeans. None of this made any sense.

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