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The key to a perfect murder is simple, he thought.

It was pitch black outside, the only source of light coming from the dim streetlights - it was no coincidence why he had chosen this time. Every detail of his plan had been thought through.

Unintentionally grasping his take away coffee in a tighter grip, he walked a little faster. She was looking at her phone, not noticing him until he bumped into her, the hot liquid spilling onto her blouse.

"Ow, sh*t!" she swore, fanning the reddening area, an angry scowl forming over her beautiful features. "God, watch where you're going!"

"Of course," he replied monotonously. "I'm very sorry."

He wasn't.

She glared at him, then sighed. "What am I supposed to do now? I'm on my way to a job interview. I can't look like this!"

"Again, I'm very sorry. Is there anything I can do?"

"If you don't have a spare shirt lying around, I don't think so." Her smile was forced, making her blossom pink cheeks look like they hurt. "Thanks."

"Well, I have some napkins?" he offered. Patting his pockets, he creased his brow like he had trained on doing several times in the hallway mirror, he acted confused, then swore. "Oh, bother. Looks like I left them in my car."

Her perfect red painted lips thinned in distress. "Thanks for trying, I guess. I really got to go, though-"

"How much time do you have?"

She threw a glance at her expensive wristwatch, "About ten minutes."

He smiled. "Well then, that shouldn't be a problem."

If she hadn't been so busy typing away on her phone, she would have seen the danger in that smile. She might even have noticed what his true intentions were.

"My car is only down the block," he said. "Three minutes. Tops."

"I guess..." the woman hesitated, then shrugged, buttoning up her grey coat all the way to her neck to protect herself from the incoming October breeze. "Lead the way then, Mr...?"

"Call me ------."

She smiled, tightly, but not as false as before. "Nice to meet you... you know, considering. I'm Candice."

He knew that already.

How is it that she didn't remember him? They had been so close before. Had he been the only one laying up all night thinking of her?

He tried his hardest for his expression to remain calm, not allowing it to turn grim. But in a short moment of weakness, he studied her features.

Candice Mars looked like she had walked straight out of a Vogue magazine. Blonde locks, crystal blue eyes, plump lips and a body girls her age would die for and the boys would drool over. However, she had more issues than Vogue on the inside. She was an ugly lie; the flaws stood her up to her neck, replacing her non-existent soul.

Clearing his throat, he drew his attention to the sketch block in her hand. "So, you want to become an artist, huh?"

"Yeah," She nodded shyly - smiling brightly, her teeth glistening in the moonlight. "I'm here to audition to, like, the best college."

He couldn't care less what her life aspirations were. She would be dead soon anyway; in less than five minutes, actually.

"Good luck." That sounded sharp. Too sharp. He softly added, "I'm sure you'll get in - here we are."

He stopped next to his car, rummaging through his pockets for the key, grinning victoriously when he found it. When he turned his back to her, his eyes turned a couple shades darker and he shook so much in anticipation that he couldn't get the key in the lock. "Could you help me?"

"Yeah, of course!" she answered immediately, taking the key from him and unlocking the door. She didn't get a chance to open it. "Hey, what are you doing-"

He scanned the seemingly empty street, then clicked his tongue. "Giving you what you deserve."

She didn't have time to react before he grabbed the back of her head, his fingers tangling into her blonde hair, and slammed her forehead into the window. A small crack erupted from where her face had hit, droplets of blood running down the glass. When he released his grip, she slid to the cold asphalt, unconscious.

He was somewhat mad, though. It had been way too easy. She hadn't put up the fight he wanted her to; he had even brought his taser if she did. It would have been fun to use.

Oh well, he'd use that for another time.

There were a lot of people left to murder.

When she was laid in the trunk, her mouth, wrists and ankles taped, he sat down in the drivers seat. His reflection in the rearview mirror smirked at him as he took out a napkin from his cupholder, drying off her blood from his fingers.

There was a note on the passenger seat.

He unfolded it, and took out a pencil, crossing Candice's name off the list. Five names were crossed already, their names barely showing underneath the thick black lines. Twenty remained. His smirk widened.

"This is going to be fun."

The key to a perfect murder was simple. Don't get caught. And he just happened to pass every single time.



AN: This is just the prologue, unfortunately I won't post much until I'm finished with "The Chaos", but after that the game is on! ^.^

Superior intelligent FBI-agent Wyatt coming up in the next chapter. Spoiler alert; I think you'll like him ;)

Comments and votes are always appreciated! See you in the next one ~

Riley x

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