1. Just My Luck

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You can't always believe in offers the internet presents to you, but when it is about winning a date with the man you love the most, you would do anything. Lisa, a small town girl, thought she was doing the simple act of donating money to Ian somerhalder's charity. What she didn't know was that she was going to get a lot more than what she bargained for.

"Claire! stop smacking me you fat pig!" I yelled.

"Lisa... I swear to god, if you don't hand me those chips, you'll end up dead in the bottom of the ocean." She yelled back, smacking me.

This was normal for us. The insults and death threats is our friendship, and has been since kindergarten.

Claire and I have been best friends ever since she broke my sand castle and gave me chocolate to apologize. We have each other's backs, always have and always will.

And things haven't changed over the years...

I threw the bag of chips at her, laughing as some chips flew across the room.

"Hey! you wasted perfectly good chips!" she pouted

"Go eat them off the floor then, pig!" I laughed.

She made a pig noise, honking, as I laughed at her behavior.

We both sat by the computer, strolling random websites and weird youtube videos. We hadn't had a girls night since I turned 23.
Within moments, a campaign ad with my favorite actors face attracted my interest.

-"hello, my name is Ian Somerhalder and I play Damon Salvatore in the vampire diaries. I'm here to talk to you about the Ian somehalder foundation-"

And this began the 30 minute long video of Ian explaining his foundation. My heart went out to those poor dogs, our earth. His eyes mesmerized me, and within moments I found myself donating to his foundation.

"Are you sure you want to do this!?" She asked, her eyes wide with both excitement and worry.

"Why wouldn't I do this... I have a chance to help, even if it's a small part, the world. 20$ is nothing compared to what the foundation could do with it. Is just spend it on takeout anyways." I explained.

In any direction I looked at it, I wasn't losing. The money was going to be put at good use, and I had my faith on that.

And so I continued, filling in the requirements. They requested my name, address and account number.
And in that moment, that $20 changed my life


The doorbell rang, interrupting my reading.

I stood up and grabbed my jacket, heading out my apartment door to find my two best friends waiting for me in their car.

"Are you ready?" Pete asked, smiling at me.

I sat in the passenger seat, beside Pete who was driving, and smiled back.

"Yes Pete. We are." Claire said, breaking the contact between me and pete.

Pete drove wildly to the cinema as we talked about everything and anything.

All three of us got along, have since highschool. Claire and I met Peter in 11th grade, and he completed us.

It sounds cheesy, but it's the truth. Without Peter...

When we arrived at the cinema, we purchased three tickets to some kind of romantic comedy, favor to Claire. I didn't pay much attention, because those kind of movies never really made sense.

(Editing) On a date with Ian SomerhalderWhere stories live. Discover now