Don't stop the music

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The spotlight shined on Crystal as she danced. Step, Pirouette, Turn Crystal danced across the stage. She was as graceful as a swan. As she finished the dance the crowd cheered. Her parents were so proud of her. Her little brother Matthew jumped up and down clapping as Crystal Bowed and left the stage. After Crystal’s amazing performance her parents took her to a very fancy restaurant called Le Fromage. The restaurant was elegant with its silk curtains and satin seats. The plates and glasses were from Waterford Crystal and the cutlery was made from gold leaves. The golden wallpaper made the place look rich. Crystal enjoyed the dinner with her parents. As she slept she thought about the little kids she would be teaching tomorrow.

The next day she put on some shorts and a tie-dye t-shirt. She grabbed her dance bag and walked out the door to her dance studio. The dance studio was where she could think and be left alone. As walked in she saw many of her students waiting by the front door. She greeted them she unlocked the door. The students eagerly ran in to the studio. Crystal laughed at the excitement. She walked in and smiled at her class.

“Hello Class” she said as she walked in.

All of her students ran toward her and hugged her.

“Hello Crystal” the cried in unison.

 “Guess what we’re going to do today” Crystal asked

. The students shouted random things.

Crystal chuckled and said “We will learn how to do a pirouette.”

The children cheered in excitement. The students loved to dance and Crystal loved to dance as well as teaching the little kids.  Crystal taught the kids how to do the pirouette.  Crystal wrapped up the class and took the students to their parents.

 Crystal locked the studio after all the students. As Crystal crossed the street she didn’t notice the car coming at full speed. Before she knew it the car slammed into her. Then everything turned black. The driver rushed to her side. Blood poured from everywhere. The driver immediately called 911. Pedestrians rushed to her side to help her. The Ambulance came rushing down the street and took the injured girl into the stretcher. The paramedics called her parents. Her parents hurried to the hospital. The doctors looked at her critical condition. The immediately took her in the emergency room and started operating on her. They found out she had a punctured kidney, a broken arm and leg and a couple of torn arteries and veins. They had to amputate her leg. She had to have a metal leg on her left leg. After the operation Crystal slipped into a coma. Her parents stayed there all the time speaking words of encouragement trying to get her up.

1 month later…………………….

Crystal twitched. Her parents saw and their faces lit up. They went to get the nurse. Crystal slowly woke up as the nurses unhooked the IV. Crystal woke up and stretched. Her throat was parched. She asked the nurse for some water. Her mother came in.

“Crystal dear, you umm lost a leg in the accident so you have a metal leg. It’s going to be a little hard for you to dance.”

“Mom this can’t happen. I love to dance”

“Sorry Crystal I can’t do anything about it”

“But Mom” Crystal whined

“Crystal get some rest”

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