The rain poured down non-stop and thunder boomed warning me that lightning was to come. I started to quickly jog, struggling with the groceries I was carrying. I gripped harder onto the plastic and gritted my teeth. I looked down to noticed an apple had fell out. Whatever I thought.
It's only one apple. When I looked up a dark figure appeared in the moonlight and I ran right into it dropping everything."Are you okay?" A deep voice asked offering me a hand.
I couldn't help but blush. It seemed like a guy my age. I accepted his hand.
"Yea, sorry about that." I replied.
I gathered up my groceries and saw him help me put some lettuce and vegetables away. I caught a quick glance at the guy. He had dirty blonde sandy hair colour and eyes like a blue ocean drawing you into them, forcing you to stare into them. I realized that I was checking him out and looked away immediately.
"You live close?" The guy asked.
"Er, pretty close." I said.
We stood up after getting the groceries together and his face turned slightly red.
"I should have asked earlier but, uh, what's your name?" He said.
"It's Emily." I said quietly.
"I'm Michael, Im 18, it's nice meeting yo-Emily. See you around." Michael said.
"Okay, see you around." I told him.
I walked toward my house and I let a huge smile slip onto my face and did a little happy dance in the rain. Every thing he said with his crystal clear deep voice made it sound like a miracle. Once I got in side I dropped my groceries and laid down on my coach in my sopping clothes ignoring the fact that my house was brand new. Ever since that day on Christmas Eve when my dad left my brother, mom, and I, I never really cared, or the day when my mom got in a car accident with my brother too. I had no one left. I thought that moving would be a good "start over." But the nightmares always come back. I picked my feet up and walked upstairs to my room.
I stripped down and walked to the shower. The steaming water was nice against my cold skin. After I cleaned up I put on my PJs and slipped under the covers of my bed. I should have got Michael's number. Not every guy you see would help you like that.
I must have drifted off because I awoke to my iPod playing music. It was 6:30, time to get up and face grade 12. At least it was spring so the weather would get better. I slipped on a new pair of jeans, a chiffon shirt and my sneakers. I then went to go eat some eggs. Once I was ready I headed out the door to catch the bus. I could hear the engine of the bus from a block away. It rounded the corner and pulled up to the stop. The doors opened and the buss driver smiled at me. I smiled back knowing this would be the only smile I would get all day. I looked around the bus. Hell. The one word that perfectly described It. If they weren't sleeping they were throwing spitballs and trash everywhere. I slipped next to my friend Kohle. She laughed and spit and piece of gum on the floor.
"So what's new?" She asked me.
"Nothing too interesting." I Lied. "What about you?"
"Well I did go to one of my cousins wedding" Kohle started rambling. As Kohle talked about how cute they were together I looked at where the bus stopped. It was a new house which had a sign in big letters that said sold.
The guy that came out I recognized. I knew his name..Michael!
"Hey are you listening?" Kohle said tapping on my head.
"Be back." I replied.
I sat in the seat behind us and Michael came in looking around where to sit. His facial expression was blank.